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GitHub Action

Deregisters AWS AMIs

v1.0.0 Latest version

Deregisters AWS AMIs


Deregisters AWS AMIs

Deregister AMIs older than a custom age that matches a given name filter


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Deregisters AWS AMIs

uses: PasseiDireto/deregister-aws-amis-action@v1.0.0

Learn more about this action in PasseiDireto/deregister-aws-amis-action

Choose a version

Deregister AMIs older than a custom age that matches a given name filter

This GitHub Action allows users to remove older AWS AMI versions, avoid messy accounts and incurring costs. In order to used this feature you'll specify the search string and owner to find matching AMIs. Then, images older than max_age days will be removed. Additionally, you can set a deprecation date on the other AMIs found but are yet too young.


The easiest way of using this action is to authenticate using AWS Official Credentials Setup and them calling this action:

  workflow_dispatch: # manual dispatch is also possible!
    - cron: '07 18 30 * *' #
name: Remove AMIs older than 90 days
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Configure AWS Credentials
      uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
        aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_ID }}
        aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_KEY }}
        aws-region: ${{ secrets.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION }}
      - uses: PasseiDireto/deregister-aws-ami-action@main
          name_filter: 'image-name-dev*'
          max_age: 60 # in days
          owner: ${{ secrets.OWNER_ID }}
          set_deprecation_date: true

The most common use case is to schedule this action to run periodically, allowing a constant cleanse of older AMIs. The default behavior is to enable a deprecation date on AMIs that were found but are too young yet. In this case, the deprecation date will be calculated based on the AMI creation date plus the defined max_age (in days). You can disable this feature setting set_deprecation_date as false.


PRs welcome! This action is a Docker container, so it is very easy run it locally. Be sure you have all the required inputs represented as envrionment variables. For instance you will need a INPUT_NAME_FILTER to represent the input name_filter the action will actually pass. Note the INPUT_ preffix and the upper case representation.

Development guide

Be sure you have Python 3.9, otherwise Make won't run as it should. An easy solution is to run make commands inside a Docker container.

Clone the repository using Git:

git clone

You can build the image as:

docker build -t deregister-aws-amis-action .

Have an env file ready with all the variables you need, such as:


You can name it .env and then run it the freshly built image:

docker run --rm --env-file=.env deregister-aws-amis-action

Before you commit

Be sure all the tests and all the checks are passing:

pip install -r requirements/all.txt
make # run all checks
make tests # run all tests