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GitHub Action

Docker tag action

v0.4.22 Latest version

Docker tag action


Docker tag action

GitHub Action to create Docker tag based on branch or tag


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Docker tag action

uses: cytopia/docker-tag-action@v0.4.22

Learn more about this action in cytopia/docker-tag-action

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Docker tag action

GitHub release GitHub marketplace test

This composite action determines the Docker tag based on what git branch, git tag or git commit you are on.

πŸ”ƒ Determination

The Docker tag output (docker-tag) of this action is determined in its default configuration as shown by the following table:

Git state Resulting Docker tag
On branch master latest
On another branch <branch-name>
On a tag <tag-name>
Detached commit <git-commit-hash>

▢️ Inputs

The following inputs can be used to alter the Docker tag name determination:

Input Required Default Description
latest_git_branch No master Optionally change the git branch, which determines the the Docker tag latest.
latest_docker_tag_name No latest Optionally specify an alternative Docker tag name for latest.
non_latest_docker_tag_prefix No `` Optionally add a prefix to all non-latest docker tags.
non_latest_docker_tag_suffix No `` Optionally add a suffix to all non-latest docker tags.

◀️ Outputs

Output Description
docker-tag The determined Docker tag name.

πŸ’» Usage


The following Docker images will be pushed:

Git state Docker images
On branch master cytopia/php:latest
On branch release-0.1 cytopia/php:release-0.1
On tag v1.0.0 cytopia/php:v1.0.0
On commit 1aaf12a472ac794d00b75b826db4d223c3ef2d96 cytopia/php:1aaf12a
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Deploy docker image

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Set Docker tag
        id: tag
        uses: cytopia/docker-tag-action@v0.4.7

      - name: build
        run: |
          docker build -t cytopia/php:${{ steps.tag.outputs.docker-tag }} .

      - name: push
        run: |
          docker push cytopia/php:${{ steps.tag.outputs.docker-tag }}


The following Docker images will be pushed:

Git state Docker images
On branch master cytopia/php:8.0
On branch release-0.1 cytopia/php:8.0-release-0.1
On tag v1.0.0 cytopia/php:8.0-v1.0.0
On commit 1aaf12a472ac794d00b75b826db4d223c3ef2d96 cytopia/php:8.0-1aaf12a
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Deploy docker image
      fail-fast: false
          - '8.0'
          - '8.1'

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Set Docker tag
        id: tag
        uses: cytopia/docker-tag-action@v0.4.7
          latest_git_branch: master
          latest_docker_tag_name: ${{ matrix.version }}
          non_latest_docker_tag_prefix: "${{ matrix.version }}-"

      - name: build
        run: |
          docker build -t cytopia/php:${{ steps.tag.outputs.docker-tag }} .

      - name: push
        run: |
          docker push cytopia/php:${{ steps.tag.outputs.docker-tag }}

❗ Keep up-to-date with GitHub Dependabot

Since Dependabot has native GitHub Actions support, to enable it on your GitHub repo all you need to do is add the .github/dependabot.yml file:

version: 2
  # Maintain dependencies for GitHub Actions
  - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"

:octocat: cytopia GitHub Actions

Name Description
docker-tag-action Determines Docker tags based on git branch, commit or git tag
git-ref-matrix-action Create stringified JSON list of git refs to be used as a build matrix
shell-command-retry-action Retries shell commands to avoid failing pipelines due to network issues
upload-artifact-verify-action Upload artifact and verifies it by downloading it again
upload-artifact-retry-action Retries upload-artifact-verify-action
download-artifact-retry-action Download artifact with retry functionality

πŸ“„ License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 cytopia