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GitHub Action

ESPHome Builder

v3.1.0 Latest version

ESPHome Builder


ESPHome Builder

Builds ESPHome binaries


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: ESPHome Builder

uses: esphome/build-action@v3.1.0

Learn more about this action in esphome/build-action

Choose a version

ESPHome Build action

GitHub release (latest SemVer)

This action takes a yaml file for an ESPHome device and will compile and output the build firmware file and a partial manifest.json file that can be used to flash a device via ESP Web Tools.

Example usage

uses: esphome/build-action@v1
  yaml_file: my_configuration.yaml

This action is used by the ESPHome publish workflow that is used to compile firmware and publish simple GitHub pages sites for projects.


Name Default Description
yaml_file None The YAML file to be compiled.
version latest The ESPHome version to build using.
platform linux/amd64 The docker platform to use during build. (linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7)
cache false Whether to cache the build folder.
release_summary None A small summary of the release that will be added to the manifest file.
release_url None A URL to the release page that will be added to the manifest file.


Name Description
name The name of the device in yaml with the platform (eg. ESP32 or ESP8266) appended.
version The ESPHome version used during build.
original_name The original name of the device in yaml.

Output files

This action will output a folder named with the output name and will contain three files:

  • manifest.json - This goes into the builds section of an esp-web-tools manifest.json.
  • {name}.factory.bin - The firmware to be flashed with esp-web-tools.
  • {name}.ota.bin - The firmware that can be flashed over-the-air to the device using the Managed Updated via HTTP Request.