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GitHub Action

Get GitHub Pull Request Reviews


Get GitHub Pull Request Reviews


Get GitHub Pull Request Reviews

Dumps to a JSON file, all the reviews associated with a specified pull request from the GitHub API


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Get GitHub Pull Request Reviews

uses: LiamPerson/get-reviews-action@v1.1.1

Learn more about this action in LiamPerson/get-reviews-action

Choose a version

What does it do?

Dumps to a JSON file, all the reviews associated with a specified pull request from the GitHub API.


Simply add the action to your GitHub Action / Workflow.

- name: Get GitHub Pull Request Reviewers
  # Versions come from
  uses: LiamPerson/get-reviews-action@SPECIFY_ME # Specify the version you want by writing in a tag from the link above. E.g: v1.0

The output will be a file called reviews.json in the root of your repository.


The types in this JSON file are defined here: Please see ReviewResponse type.


Please ensure that you run this action AFTER any action that would modify files in the working directory as such actions may end up deleting the output from this action!

Such actions include: actions/checkout@v2!


To test this action simply:

  1. Add the following to your .env file:
PULL_REQUEST_ID=1337 # or some other pull request id
  1. Run the following command:
npx ts-node src/index.ts