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GitHub Action

Get PR Info Action

v1 Latest version

Get PR Info Action


Get PR Info Action

Get information from a pull request


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Get PR Info Action

uses: Brymastr/pr-info-action@v1

Learn more about this action in Brymastr/pr-info-action

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GitHub Action to fetch info from a pr when run in a pull_request context


property description
additions number of code additions
deletions number of code deletions
changed_files number of changed files
commits number of commits included in the pull request
assignee pull request assignee
number pull request number
title title of the pull request
body body of the pull request
created_at timestamp when the pull request was created
updated_at timestamp when the pull request was updated
url url of the pull request
base_branch destination branch of the pull request
head_branch source branch of the pull request
draft boolean representing if this pr is a draft