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GitHub Action

Love actions for Windows

v0.0.2-alpha Pre-release

Love actions for Windows


Love actions for Windows

Windows CI/CD for LÖVE based games


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Love actions for Windows

uses: love-actions/love-actions-windows@v0.0.2-alpha

Learn more about this action in love-actions/love-actions-windows

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Github Action for building & deploying Linux .AppImage packages of a LÖVE framework based game.

Related actions

See related actions below:

Love actions bare package

Love actions for testing

Love actions for android

Love actions for iOS

Love actions for Linux

Love actions for macOS

Quick example

- name: Build Windows packages
  id: build-packages
  uses: 26F-Studio/love-actions-windows@main
    icon-path: ./assets/windows/icon.ico
    rc-path: ./assets/windows/template.rc
    love-package: ./
    product-name: love_app
    version-string: "2.3.4"
    output-folder: "./dist"

All inputs

Name Required Default Description
icon-path false "./icon.ico" Path to the exe's icon. Use LÖVE default if not specified
rc-path true "" Path to the .rc file. Used to compile exe's resource file
love-package false "./" Path to the appImage's icon. Use LÖVE default if not specified
product-name false "love_app" Love package. Used to assemble the executable
version-string false "11.4" Base name of the package. Used to rename products
output-folder false "./build" Packages output folder. All packages would be placed here

All outputs

Name Example Description
package-paths ./build/ ./build/ Built packages' paths in a bash-style list relative to the repository root, separated by spaces