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.NET project version updater

v1.6 Latest version

.NET project version updater


.NET project version updater

Update or bump project versions in .csproj, .props, .nuspec, and many other .NET file types


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: .NET project version updater

uses: vers-one/dotnet-project-version-updater@v1.6

Learn more about this action in vers-one/dotnet-project-version-updater

Choose a version

.NET project version updater

A GitHub action to update or bump project versions. Supports .csproj, .props, .nuspec, and many other .NET file types.

Build Tests

Supported file types:

  • C#:
    • .csproj (.NET / .NET Core projects)
    • .cs (.NET Framework AssemblyInfo files, e.g. AssemblyInfo.cs)
  • Visual Basic:
    • .vbproj (.NET / .NET Core projects)
    • .vb (.NET Framework AssemblyInfo files, e.g. AssemblyInfo.vb)
  • F#:
    • .fsproj (.NET / .NET Core projects)
    • .fs (.NET Framework AssemblyInfo files, e.g. AssemblyInfo.fs)
  • C++/CLI:
    • .cpp (.NET / .NET Core / .NET Framework AssemblyInfo files, e.g. AssemblyInfo.cpp)
    • .rc (C++ resource files; also works for non-.NET C++ projects)
  • MSBuild:
    • .props (shared project properties)
  • Nuget:
    • .nuspec (Nuget package specs)


file or files (required)

Project file paths.

Can be either:

  • path to a single project file: "src/MyProject.csproj";
  • path pattern: "src/**/*.csproj";
  • comma-separated list of path patterns: "src/**/*.csproj", "src/**/*.nuspec", "!src/**/Test"

See fast-glob package documentation for more examples of supported file path patterns.

version (required)

The new version for the project file.

Can be either:

  • explicit version: e.g. 1.2.3 or 1.0.0-beta5;
  • one of the bump commands:
    • bump-major;
    • bump-minor;
    • bump-build;
    • bump-revision;
  • bump pattern: e.g. *.^.0.? where:
    • ? instructs to leave this version part unchanged;
    • * instructs to leave this version part unchanged or to set it to zero if it doesn't exist;
    • ^ instructs to bump this version part;
    • number instructs to overwrite this version part with the specified number;
    • missing part instructs to remove it from the version if it exists.


Old version version input New version Explanation
1.2.3 2.4.6 2.4.6 Sets explicit numeric version
2.4.6 2.4.7-rc1 2.4.7-rc1 Sets explicit semantic version bump-major Bumps the major part, leaves other parts unchanged bump-minor Bumps the minor part, leaves other parts unchanged bump-build Bumps the build part, leaves other parts unchanged bump-revision Bumps the revision part, leaves other parts unchanged
1 bump-minor 1.1 Sets the missing minor part to zero and bumps it
1 bump-build 1.0.1 Sets the missing minor and build parts to zero and bumps the build part
1.2 bump-revision Sets the missing build and revision parts to zero and bumps the revision part ^.*.*.* Bumps the major part, leaves other parts unchanged *.^.*.* Bumps the minor part, leaves other parts unchanged *.*.^.* Bumps the build part, leaves other parts unchanged *.*.*.^ Bumps the revision part, leaves other parts unchanged
1.1.45 *.^.^ 1.2.46 Bumps the minor and the build parts, leaves the major part unchanged
1.1.45 ^.0.^ 2.0.46 Bumps the major and the build parts, sets the minor part to zero *.* 1.1 Removes the build and the revision parts, leaves the major and the minor parts unchanged
1.1.7 *.^.0 1.2.0 Bumps the minor part, sets the build part to zero, and leaves the major part unchanged *.^.0 1.2.0 Bumps the minor part, sets the build part to zero, removes the revision part, and leaves the major part unchanged
1.1.7 *.*.*.1 Sets the revision part to 1, leaves other parts unchanged
1.1.7 *.*.*.^ Sets the missing revision part to zero and bumps it, leaves other parts unchanged
1.1 *.*.* 1.1.0 Sets the missing build part to zero, leaves the major and the minor parts unchanged
1.1 *.*.? 1.1 Leaves the major, minor, and the build parts unchanged
1.1 *.*.*.* Sets the missing build and revision parts to zero, leaves the major and the minor parts unchanged
1.1 ?.?.?.? 1.1 Leaves all parts unchanged

tags (optional)

Comma-separated list of version tags to process.

Allows to refine the file / files filter to exclude the unwanted version declarations found in the matching files. The values in the list are not case-sensitive, extra spaces between the values are trimmed.

Default: *

Supported tags:

Tag Description
* Process all supported version declarations in all supported file types
csproj.* Process all supported version declarations in .csproj files
csproj.Version Process <Version>...</Version> item in .csproj files
csproj.VersionPrefix Process <VersionPrefix>...</VersionPrefix> item in .csproj files
csproj.AssemblyVersion Process <AssemblyVersion>...</AssemblyVersion> item in .csproj files
csproj.FileVersion Process <FileVersion>...</FileVersion> item in .csproj files
csproj.InformationalVersion Process <InformationalVersion>...</InformationalVersion> item in .csproj files
vbproj.* Process all supported version declarations in .vbproj files
vbproj.Version Process <Version>...</Version> item in .vbproj files
vbproj.VersionPrefix Process <VersionPrefix>...</VersionPrefix> item in .vbproj files
vbproj.AssemblyVersion Process <AssemblyVersion>...</AssemblyVersion> item in .vbproj files
vbproj.FileVersion Process <FileVersion>...</FileVersion> item in .vbproj files
vbproj.InformationalVersion Process <InformationalVersion>...</InformationalVersion> item in .vbproj files
fsproj.* Process all supported version declarations in .fsproj files
fsproj.Version Process <Version>...</Version> item in .fsproj files
fsproj.VersionPrefix Process <VersionPrefix>...</VersionPrefix> item in .fsproj files
fsproj.AssemblyVersion Process <AssemblyVersion>...</AssemblyVersion> item in .fsproj files
fsproj.FileVersion Process <FileVersion>...</FileVersion> item in .fsproj files
fsproj.InformationalVersion Process <InformationalVersion>...</InformationalVersion> item in .fsproj files
props.* Process all supported version declarations in .props files
props.Version Process <Version>...</Version> item in .props files
props.VersionPrefix Process <VersionPrefix>...</VersionPrefix> item in .props files
props.AssemblyVersion Process <AssemblyVersion>...</AssemblyVersion> item in .props files
props.FileVersion Process <FileVersion>...</FileVersion> item in .props files
props.InformationalVersion Process <InformationalVersion>...</InformationalVersion> item in .props files
nuspec.* Process all supported version declarations in .nuspec files
nuspec.Version Process <Version>...</Version> item in .nuspec files
AssemblyInfo-cs.* Process all supported version declarations in .cs files
AssemblyInfo-cs.AssemblyVersion Process [assembly: AssemblyVersion("...")] item in .cs files
AssemblyInfo-cs.AssemblyFileVersion Process [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("...")] item in .cs files
AssemblyInfo-cs.AssemblyInformationalVersion Process [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("...")] item in .cs files
AssemblyInfo-vb.* Process all supported version declarations in .vb files
AssemblyInfo-vb.AssemblyVersion Process <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("...")> item in .vb files
AssemblyInfo-vb.AssemblyFileVersion Process <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("...")> item in .vb files
AssemblyInfo-vb.AssemblyInformationalVersion Process <Assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("...")> item in .vb files
AssemblyInfo-fs.* Process all supported version declarations in .fs files
AssemblyInfo-fs.AssemblyVersion Process [<assembly: AssemblyVersion("...")>] item in .fs files
AssemblyInfo-fs.AssemblyFileVersion Process [<assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("...")>] item in .fs files
AssemblyInfo-fs.AssemblyInformationalVersion Process [<assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("...")>] item in .fs files
AssemblyInfo-cpp.* Process all supported version declarations in .cpp files
AssemblyInfo-cpp.AssemblyVersion Process [assembly:AssemblyVersionAttribute(L"...")] item in .cpp files
AssemblyInfo-cpp.AssemblyFileVersion Process [assembly:AssemblyFileVersionAttribute(L"...")] item in .cpp files
AssemblyInfo-cpp.AssemblyInformationalVersion Process [assembly:AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute(L"...")] item in .cpp files
rc.* Process all supported version declarations in .rc files
rc.FileVersion-param Process FILEVERSION x,x,x,x item in .rc files
rc.ProductVersion-param Process PRODUCTVERSION x,x,x,x item in .rc files
rc.FileVersion-string Process VALUE "FileVersion", "..." item in .rc files
rc.ProductVersion-string Process VALUE "ProductVersion", "..." item in .rc files


tags input Explanation
AssemblyInfo-cs.AssemblyVersion Process only .cs files and only [assembly: AssemblyVersion("...")] items in those files
csproj.Version, csproj.AssemblyVersion Process only .csproj files and only <Version>...</Version> and <AssemblyVersion>...</AssemblyVersion> items in those files
csproj.Version, AssemblyInfo-cs.AssemblyVersion, nuspec.* Process only <Version>...</Version> items in .csproj files, [assembly: AssemblyVersion("...")] items in .cs files, and all supported version declarations in .nuspec files, and skip everything else



The version found in the project file before the update. In case of multiple project files, this will be the version found in the last project file.

Example: 1.3.5


The version set by the action during the update. In case of multiple project files, this will be the version written into the last project file.

Example: 1.3.6


Scenario 1: Set an explicit version for a single file

name: Manual version update

        description: "New version for the project"
        required: true 
        type: string

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Update version
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Set MyProject.csproj version
        id: update
        uses: vers-one/dotnet-project-version-updater@v1.6
          file: "src/MyProject.csproj"
          version: ${{ github.event.inputs.version }}

      - run: |
          git config "Your Name"
          git config ""
          git add .
          git commit -m "Update project version to ${{ steps.update.outputs.newVersion }}"
          git push

Scenario 2: Set an explicit version for multiple files

name: Manual version update

        description: "New version for all projects"
        required: true 
        type: string

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Update versions
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Set project versions
        id: update
        uses: vers-one/dotnet-project-version-updater@v1.6
          file: |
            "**/*.csproj", "**/*.nuspec", "**/AssemblyInfo.cs"
          version: ${{ github.event.inputs.version }}

      - run: |
          git config "Your Name"
          git config ""
          git add .
          git commit -m "Update project versions to ${{ steps.update.outputs.newVersion }}"
          git push

Scenario 3: Bump version on push to the main branch

name: Bump build version

    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Build and bump version
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Install .NET 7
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
          dotnet-version: 7

      - name: Restore dependencies
        run: dotnet restore

      - name: Build
        run: dotnet build

      - name: Bump build version
        id: bump
        uses: vers-one/dotnet-project-version-updater@v1.6
          file: "src/MyProject.csproj"
          version: bump-build

      - run: |
          git config "Your Name"
          git config ""
          git add .
          git commit -m "Bump project version to ${{ steps.bump.outputs.newVersion }}"
          git push

Additional notes

  • If you set the new version explicitly, you can use any string as a version number (e.g. 1.2.3, 1.0.0-beta5, Vista, blah-blah, etc). However, if you use one of the bump commands or a bump pattern, the existing version must by in the following format: major[.minor[.build[.revision]]].
  • Keep in mind that .NET Framework assembly versions must be in the following format: major.minor[.build[.revision]]. Any other versions formats like 1.0.0-beta5 will cause a compilation failure.
  • C++ resource files require FILEVERSION and PRODUCTVERSION resource parameters to have all four version components (