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GitHub Action

New Relic Application Deployment Marker


New Relic Application Deployment Marker


New Relic Application Deployment Marker

Apply a New Relic application deployment marker to an application that is monitored by New Relic


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: New Relic Application Deployment Marker

uses: newrelic/deployment-marker-action@v1.0.0

Learn more about this action in newrelic/deployment-marker-action

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Community Project header

New Relic Application Deployment Marker

GitHub Marketplace version

A GitHub Action to add New Relic deployment markers during your release pipeline.


Key Required Default Description
accountId yes - The account number the application falls under. This could also be a subaccount.
apiKey yes - Your New Relic personal API key.
applicationId yes - The New Relic application ID to apply the deployment marker.
changelog no - A summary of what changed in this deployment, visible in the Deployments page.
description no - A high-level description of this deployment, visible in the Overview page and on the Deployments page when you select an individual deployment.
region no US The region of your New Relic account. Default: US
revision yes - Metadata to apply to the deployment marker - e.g. the latest release tag
user no A username to associate with the deployment, visible in the Overview page and on the Deployments page.

Example usage

Use Release Tag for Revision

The following example could be added as a job to your existing workflow that creates a New Relic deployment marker with the revision being the release Tag.

Github secrets assumed to be set:

  • NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID - Personal API key
  • NEW_RELIC_API_KEY - Personal API key
  • NEW_RELIC_APPLIATION_ID - New Relic Application ID to create the marker on
name: Release

  - release

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: New Relic
      - name: Set Release Version from Tag
        run: echo ::set-env name=RELEASE_VERSION::${GITHUB_REF:10}

      - name: Create New Relic deployment marker
        uses: newrelic/deployment-marker-action@v1
          apiKey: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY }}
          accountId: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID }}
          applicationId: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_APPLICATION_ID }}
          revision: "${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }}"

All input options

Add a New Relic application deployment marker on release, with all of the options set.

Github secrets assumed to be set:

  • NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID - New Relic Account ID the application is reporting to
  • NEW_RELIC_API_KEY - Personal API key
  • NEW_RELIC_APPLIATION_ID - New Relic Application ID to create the marker on
name: Release
  - release

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create New Relic deployment marker
        uses: newrelic/deployment-marker-action@v1
          accountId: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID }}
          apiKey: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY }}
          applicationId: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_APPLIATION_ID }}
          revision: "${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.sha }}"

          # Optional
          changelog: "See${{ github.repository }}/blob/master/ for details"
          description: "Automated Deployment via Github Actions"
          region: ${{ secrets.NEW_RELIC_REGION }}
          user: "${{ }}"