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GitHub Action

OpenCover Badge Generator


OpenCover Badge Generator


OpenCover Badge Generator

Reads an open cover xml file and generates a badge to use in readme file


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: OpenCover Badge Generator

uses: danpetitt/open-cover-badge-generator-action@v1.0.9

Learn more about this action in danpetitt/open-cover-badge-generator-action

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Github Action OpenCover Badge Generator

Simple action to generate code coverage badges from a previously created dotnet OpenCover XML file generated by tools such as coverlet.


First ensure you have a valid opencover.xml code coverage file generated by something like coverlet. For example, using the dotnet core command dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover.

Then, generate an access token and save as a GitHub Secret which you can then reference in your Project Workflow yaml as follows:

    types: [opened]
      - master
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: OpenCover Badge Generator
        uses: danpetitt/open-cover-badge-generator-action@v1.0.9
          path-to-opencover-xml: ./test/opencover.xml
          path-to-badges: ./
          minimum-coverage: 75
          repo-token: ${{ secrets.CI_TOKEN }}

(Note: Ensure you get the case of the paths correct for the agent running the job.)

Once generated you will get two badges called coverage-badge-line.svg and coverage-badge-branch.svg saved into the path you specified which you can then add to your project readme like:

[![Line Coverage Status](./coverage-badge-line.svg)](

[![Branch Coverage Status](./coverage-badge-branch.svg)](


path-to-opencover-xml (Required)

Path to the open cover xml file

path-to-badges (Optional)

Optional: Path where the line and branch coverage svgs would be saved; these will be saved with the names coverage-badge-line.svg and coverage-badge-branch.svg; if not specified the files will be saved into the project root. Default "./".

minimum-coverage (Required)

Threshold percentage at which a red badge would appear.

repo-token (Required)

GitHub repo token so that the changed file can be committed, like ${{ secrets.CI_TOKEN }}