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GitHub Action

PnP PowerShell Sharing Settings as Code

version2 Latest version

PnP PowerShell Sharing Settings as Code


PnP PowerShell Sharing Settings as Code

Define and enforce SharePoint Online sharing settings with GitHub Actions


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PnP PowerShell Sharing Settings as Code

uses: sassdawe/pnp-sharing-settings-action@version2

Learn more about this action in sassdawe/pnp-sharing-settings-action

Choose a version

PnP PowerShell Sharing Settings as Code

This action signs in into SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell and sets the sharing capability for the specified site collections.

⚠️ Important: There are multiple versions of this action available. Please make sure you are using the correct version for your needs.


Version 1

Version 1 is limited to Windows based GitHub Actions runners and uses the SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline module to set the sharing capability for the specified site collections. It uses ACS App-Only authentication to connect to SharePoint Online. You can read more about the specifics in the readme for version 1.

Version 2

With Version 2 this action has switched to use the PnP.PowerShell module and supports all runner OS types: Windows, Linux and macOS as well. It is still using ACS App-Only authentication to connect to SharePoint Online. You can read more about the specifics in the readme for version 2.

Version 3 (in development)

Version 3 will switch to standard Entra ID app-only authentication to connect to SharePoint Online, and stop relying on ACS App-Only authentication. This will make the action more secure and reliable.


The action takes 3 mandatory parameters for sign-in and 4 optional parameters to specify the sharing capability of the site collections. The sites can be specified using their full URLs or with the ALLELSE keyword. When ALLELSE is used for any of the settings (but only for ONE of them), it will apply that sharing capability to all the rest of the sites which were NOT specified in the other three settings. If null is used for any of the settings, it will skip that setting.



Required URL of the SharePoint Admin Site.


Required ClientID of the service principal.


Required ClientSecret of the service principal.


Comma separated list of URLS where to disable sharing capability, could also be "null" to skip this setting, or "ALLELSE" to disable sharing capability on all sites not specified in the other settings.


Comma separated list of URLS where to enable sharing capability for external users only, could also be "null" to skip this setting, or "ALLELSE" to enable sharing capability for external users only on all sites not specified in the other settings.


Comma separated list of URLS where to enable sharing capability for external and guest users, could also be "null" to skip this setting, or "ALLELSE" to enable sharing capability for external and guest users on all sites not specified in the other settings.


Comma separated list of URLS where to enable sharing capability for existing external users only, could also be "null" to skip this setting, or "ALLELSE" to enable sharing capability for existing external users only on all sites not specified in the other settings.


There is no output for this action. 🚩 But keep in mind that the generated logs will contain the specified URLs, and anyone with access the GitHub Actions logs will see which site has which sharing capability enforced. 🚩

Example usage

uses: sassdawe/pnp-sharing-settings-action@v2
    CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_ID }}