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GitHub Action

Run Parasoft dotTEST


Run Parasoft dotTEST


Run Parasoft dotTEST

A GitHub Action for running Parasoft dotTEST analysis


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST

uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.2.2

Learn more about this action in parasoft/run-dottest-action

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Run Parasoft dotTEST

Build Unit Tests CodeQL

This action enables you to run code analysis with Parasoft dotTEST and review analysis results directly on GitHub.

Parasoft dotTEST is a testing tool that automates software quality practices for C# and VB.NET applications. It uses a comprehensive set of analysis techniques, including pattern-based static analysis, dataflow analysis, metrics, code coverage, and unit testing to help you verify code quality and ensure compliance with industry standards, such as CWE or OWASP.

  • Request a free trial to receive access to Parasoft dotTEST's features and capabilities.
  • See the user guide for information about Parasoft dotTEST's capabilities and usage.

Please visit the official Parasoft website for more information about Parasoft dotTEST and other Parasoft products.

Quick start

To analyze your code with Parasoft dotTEST and review analysis results on GitHub, you need to customize your GitHub workflow to include:

  • The action to run dotTEST.
  • The action to upload the dotTEST analysis report in the SARIF format to GitHub.
  • The action to upload the dotTEST analysis reports in other formats (XML, HTML, etc.) to GitHub as workflow artifacts.


This action requires Parasoft dotTEST with a valid Parasoft license.

We recommend that you run Parasoft dotTEST on a self-hosted rather than GitHub-hosted runner.

Adding the dotTEST Action to a GitHub Workflow

Add the Run Parasoft dotTEST action to your workflow to launch code analysis with Parasoft dotTEST.

The following example shows a simple workflow made up of one job "Run code analysis with dotTEST". The example assumes that dotTEST is run on a self-hosted runner and the path to dottestcli.exe is available on PATH.

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with the Run Parasoft dotTEST action.

name: dotTEST Simple Workflow

# Specifies the name of the GitHub events that trigger the workflow.
  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch.
    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]

  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab.

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel.
  # Specifies the name of the job.
  Run code analysis with dotTEST:
    # Specifies the type of runner that the job will run on.
    runs-on: self-hosted

    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job.
      # Checks out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so that your job can access it.
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Runs code analysis with dotTEST.
      - name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
        # Specifies the action to run.
        uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
        # You can reference a specific commit or version:
        # uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1bc4be095189f455793afdb10b47127e06ae25ff

Uploading Analysis Results to GitHub

By default, the Run Parasoft dotTEST action generates analysis reports in the SARIF, XML, and HTML format (if you are using a dotTEST version earlier than 2021.1, see Generating SARIF Reports with dotTEST 2020.2 or Earlier).

When you upload the SARIF report to GitHub, the results will be presented as GitHub code scanning alerts. This allows you to review the results of code analysis with Parasoft dotTEST directly on GitHub as part of your project. To upload the SARIF report to GitHub, modify your workflow by adding the upload-sarif action.

To upload reports in other formats, modify your workflow by adding the upload-artifact action.

Important! To automatically upload the reports, ensure that the path to the directory where they are stored is configured as the ${{ steps.[dottest_action_id].outputs.reportDir }}/*.* variable. In the following example the id of the dotTEST action is dottest.


# Runs Parasoft dotTEST and generates the reports.
- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  id: dottest
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
  # ...

# Uploads analysis results in the SARIF format, so that they are displayed as GitHub code scanning alerts.
- name: Upload results (SARIF)
  uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1
    sarif_file: ${{ }}

# Uploads an archive that includes all report files (.xml, .html, .sarif).
- name: Archive reports
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
    name: Report files
    path: ${{ steps.dottest.outputs.reportDir }}/*.*

Configuring Analysis with dotTEST

You can configure analysis with Parasoft dotTEST in one of the following ways:

  • By customizing the Run Parasoft dotTEST action directly in your GitHub workflow. See Action Parameters for a complete list of available parameters.
  • By configuring options in Parasoft dotTEST tool. We recommend creating a file that includes all the configuration options and adding the file to dotTEST's working directory - typically, the root directory of your repository. This allows dotTEST to automatically read all the configuration options from that file. See Parasoft dotTEST User Guide for details.


This section includes practical examples of how the dotTEST action can be customized directly in the YAML file of your workflow.

Configuring the Path to the dotTEST Installation Directory

If dottestcli executable is not on PATH, you can configure the path to the installation directory of Parasoft dotTEST by configuring the installDir parameter:

- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
    installDir: 'c:\Program Files\Parasoft\dotTEST\2021.1'

Configuring a dotTEST Test Configuration

Code analysis with dotTEST is performed by using a test configuration - a set of static analysis rules that enforce best coding practices. Parasoft dotTEST ships with a wide range of build-in test configurations. To specify a test configuration directly in your workflow, add the testConfig parameter to the Run Parasoft dotTEST action and specify the URL of the test configuration you want to use:

- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
    testConfig: 'builtin://OWASP Top 10-2017'

Alternatively, you can provide the workspace-relative path to the .properties file where your test configuration is defined:

- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
    testConfig: '.\.dottest\'

Defining the Scope for Analysis

By default, the Run Parasoft dotTEST action analyzes all solutions in your repository. To modify the default scope for analysis, you can configure dotTEST with one of the available scope parameters to analyze selected solutions, projects, or source files. In the following example, the scope of analysis is narrowed down to the solutions in the src directory.

- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
    solution: '.\src\*.sln'

In addition, the project and website parameters allow you to specify the path to a project or a the website directory when the solution is not provided. See Action Parameters for details.

Configuring Parameters with Multiple Values

Regular configuration of dotTEST allows you to specify certain parameters more than once to configure multiple values. However, in GitHub actions, one parameter can be specified only once per action. Instead of specifying the same parameter multiple times, add it once and provide a list of semicolon-separated values:

- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
    solution: '.\src1\MySln1.sln;

Generating SARIF Reports with dotTEST 2020.2 or Earlier

Generating reports in the SARIF format is available in dotTEST since version 2021.1. If you are using an earlier dotTEST version, you need to customize the Run Parasoft dotTEST action to enable generating SARIF reports:

- name: Run Parasoft dotTEST
  uses: parasoft/run-dottest-action@1.1.0
    sarifMode: 'legacy'

Action Parameters

The following inputs are available for this action:

Input Description
testConfig Specifies the URL of the test configuration to be used for analysis. The default is builtin://Recommended .NET Core Rules.
exclude Specifies the file system paths to files to exclude from analysis. Supports ANT-style wildcards.
fail Fails the command with exit code 2 if any findings are reported.
installDir Specifies the path to the dotTEST installation directory, which contains dottestcli.exe.
include Specifies file system paths to files to include in analysis. Supports ANT-style wildcards. If not specified, all files are analyzed.
nobuild Disables the build of the tested solutions or projects.
project Specifies the path to project(s) to be analyzed when no solution is provided. Supports ANT-style wildcards.
projectConfig Specifies the project configuration, for example Debug.
out Specifies the path to the location where console output is saved.
property Specifies a single configuration setting in the key=value format
publish Publishes report to DTP.
reference Specifies the path to additional assemblies required to resolve dependencies of the analyzed projects. Supports ANT-style wildcards.
reportDir Specifies the path to the directory where the report will be created. The default is ${{ github.workspace }}/.dottest/report/${{ github.run_number }}.
resource Specifies a solution-relative path to a project in a solution, a directory of files in a project, or a file.
sarifMode Specifies the mode for GitHub report (SAFIF) generation. You can configure the builtin mode for dotTEST 2021.1 or newer (default) or the legacy mode for dotTEST 2020.2 or older.
settings Specifies the path to a settings file.
showsettings List all settings that are currently used.
targetPlatform Specifies the target platform of the solution configuration (for example, Any CPU) or project configuration (for example, AnyCPU).
testTagFilter Specifies test to run that are tagged with specific issue tracking types/IDs.
solution Specifies the path to the solution to be analyzed. Supports ANT-style wildcards. The default is '.*.sln'.
solutionConfig Specifies the solution configuration (for example, Debug).
website Specifies the full path to the website directory to be analyzed when the solution is not provided.
workingDir Specifies the path to the working directory. The default is ${{ github.workspace }}.