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GitHub Action

Run Synthesized TDK

v1.0 Latest version

Run Synthesized TDK


Run Synthesized TDK

Runs a transformation with Synthesized TDK


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Run Synthesized TDK

uses: synthesized-io/tdk-gha@v1.0

Learn more about this action in synthesized-io/tdk-gha

Choose a version

Run Synthesized TDK

Runs free version of Synthesized TDK as part of GitHub Actions workflows.


See action.yml. Notes:

  • The runner, either GitHub-hosted or self-hosted, must have access to both input and output databases.

  • For transient databases with their life span limited to a single workflow run, it is convenient to use service containers. For examples of how this can be done, refer to a test workflow provided in this repository.

    ☝️ Note that in your workflows you will need to replace the job setting uses: ./ with uses: synthesized-io/tdk-gha@<version>

  • For an exhaustive description of configuration syntax and available settings, please refer to the official TDK documentation.

  • You can find out which features are available in the free version of TDK and which are not from the comparison table.

Masking a database

uses: synthesized-io/tdk-gha@v1
  input_url: jdbc:yourdb://input-db-host:1234
  input_username: dbuser
  input_password: ${{ secrets.input_db_password }}
  output_url: jdbc:yourdb://output-db-host:8765
  output_username: dbuser
  output_password: ${{ secrets.output_db_password }}
  user_config: |
      mode: MASKING
    schema_creation_mode: DROP_AND_CREATE

Generating a database

uses: synthesized-io/tdk-gha@v1
  input_url: jdbc:yourdb://input-db-host:1234
  input_username: dbuser
  input_password: ${{ secrets.input_db_password }}
  output_url: jdbc:yourdb://output-db-host:8765
  output_username: dbuser
  output_password: ${{ secrets.output_db_password }}
  user_config: |
      mode: GENERATION
    schema_creation_mode: DROP_AND_CREATE