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GitHub Action

Schedule tests on Testing Farm


Schedule tests on Testing Farm


Schedule tests on Testing Farm

A GitHub action will schedule a user defined tests to the Testing Farm to run tmt tests


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Schedule tests on Testing Farm

uses: sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action@v2.2.0

Learn more about this action in sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action

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Testing Farm as GitHub Action is a GitHub Action for executing tests on the Testing Farm Service.

The tests to run are to be described with a tmt plan by the user of this GitHub Action. Pull Request status is automatically updated after the tests are executed, if this option is enabled with the update_pull_request_status user-defined input variable.

API key to the Testing Farm MUST be stored in your organization's secrets to successfully access its infrastructure. See Testing Farm onboarding guide for information how to onboard to Testing Farm.

Compatibility Notes


Currently only testing of copr builds is supported by the action. See Testing Farm docs for more information on supported test artifacts which Testing > > Farm can install into the environment.

Action Inputs

Testing Farm

Input Name Description Default value
api_key Testing farm API key empty, required from user
api_url Testing farm API server url
tf_scope Define the scope of Testing Farm. Possible options are 'public' or 'private' public

Tmt Metadata

Input Name Description Default value
git_url An url to the repository with tmt metadata empty, required from user
git_ref A tmt tests branch which will be used for tests master
tmt_plan_regex A regular expression used to select tmt plans all
tmt_context A mapping of tmt context variable tmt-context, variables separated by ; empty
tmt_path A path in the repository with tmt metadata "."

Test Environment

Input Name Description Default value
compose Compose to run tests on. Available composes. Fedora-latest
arch Define an architecture for testing environment x86_64
variables Environment variables for test env, separated by ; empty
secrets Environment secrets for test env, separated by ; empty
tmt_hardware Hardware definition for test env empty

Test Artifacts

Input Name Description Default value
copr Copr name to use for the artifacts epel-7-x86_64
copr_artifacts fedora-copr-build artifacts for testing environment, separated by ; empty


Input Name Description Default value
github_token GitHub token passed from secrets ${{ github.token }}
create_issue_comment If GitHub action will create a github issue comment false
pull_request_status_name GitHub pull request status name Fedora
debug Print debug logs when working with testing farm true
update_pull_request_status Action will update pull request status. false
environment_settings Pass custom settings to the test environment. empty
pipeline_settings Pass specific settings for the testing farm pipeline. For details see settings/pipeline in Request new test empty
create_github_summary Create summary of the Testing Farm as GiHub Action job. Possible options: "false", "true", "key=value" true
timeout Timeout for the Testing Farm job in minutes. 480

Action Outputs

Output Name Description
request_id An ID of a scheduled testing farm request.
request_url An URL of a scheduled testing farm request.
test_log_url An URL of a scheduled test logs.


Testing Farm as GitHub Action requires a GitHub token with the following permissions:

  contents: read
  # This is required for the ability to create Issue comment
  pull-requests: write
  # This is required for the ability to create/update the Pull request status
  statuses: write


Pull request example

The example below shows how the sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action action can be used to schedule tests on Testing Farm.

name: Schedule test on Testing Farm
      - created

# The concurrency key is used to prevent multiple workflows from running at the same time
  group: my-concurrency-group
  cancel-in-progress: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Let's schedule tests only on user request. NOT automatically.
    # Only repository owner or member can schedule tests
    if: |
      && contains(github.event.comment.body, '[test]')
      && contains(fromJson('["OWNER", "MEMBER"]'), github.event.comment.author_association)
      - name: Schedule test on Testing Farm
        uses: sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action@v2
          api_key: ${{ secrets.TF_API_KEY }}
          tmt_plan_regex: "centos"
          pull_request_status_name: "CentOS 7"

and as soon as the job is finished you will see the test results in the pull request status:

✅ | ❌ Testing Farm - CentOS 7 - Build finished

Run workflow at push to the main branch

The example below shows how the sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action action can be used when pushing commits to main branch.

name: Testing repository by Testing Farm when push to main branch
      - main

# The concurrency key is used to prevent multiple workflows from running at the same time
  group: ${{ github.head_ref }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Schedule test on Testing Farm
        uses: sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action@v2
          api_key: ${{ secrets.TF_API_KEY }}