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GitHub Action

Send Push Notification


Send Push Notification


Send Push Notification

Receive push notification on your iOS & Android devices using Github Actions


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Send Push Notification

uses: techulus/push-github-action@v0.0.2

Learn more about this action in techulus/push-github-action

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Github Action for Push Notification

Receive push notification to your devices using Github Actions


To run this action you'll need:

  • An API key from Push (, to get the API key you've to install Push's iOS or Android app and create an account.


  1. Create the workflow and choose any event of your choice.
  2. Add a new action, enter techulus/push-github-action@master and click use.
  3. Add a new secret API_KEY (your API key) and an environment variable MESSAGE (notification message)
  4. Commit your changes!



Feature Request, Bugs and Ideas can be added here.