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Setting context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service (ACK)


Setting context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service (ACK)


Setting context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service (ACK)

Setting context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service (ACK)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Setting context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service (ACK)

uses: aliyun/ack-set-context@v1.0.3

Learn more about this action in aliyun/ack-set-context

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Setting context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service (ACK)

Use this GitHub Action to set context for Kubernetes cluster of Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes (ACK).

Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable by cluster id for K8s cluster managed by ACK.

- uses: aliyun/ack-set-context@v1
    access-key-id: '<access key id>'
    access-key-secret: '<access key secret>'
    cluster-id: '<cluster id>'

Refer to the action metadata file for details about all the inputs: action.yml


Get the access-key-id and access-key-secret of Alibaba Cloud and add them as as secrets in the GitHub repository.