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GitHub Action

SonarQube Maven Scan


SonarQube Maven Scan


SonarQube Maven Scan

Scans a java maven project with SonarQube, restores artifacts and checks quality gate


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: SonarQube Maven Scan

uses: javiertuya/sonarqube-action@v1.1.0

Learn more about this action in javiertuya/sonarqube-action

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SonarQube Maven Scan Action

This action scans a java maven project with SonarQube. Features:

  • Does not require any change in the pom.xml, all configuration is read from
  • Cache setup and compilation
  • Optional restore of one or more artifacts to send additional info to SonarQube (e.g. coverage)
  • Check the quality gate


  • github-token (Required): Token to access GitHub (needed to check the quality gate)
  • sonar-token (Required): Token to access SonarQube
  • sonar-host-url (Default to Tells the scanner where SonarQube is hosted
  • working-directory (Default to root directory): The name of the working directory from which the scan is executed
  • java-version (Default 11): Java version used run the scans (JDK 11 is the minium required)
  • restore-artifact-name<N>, Where <N> is a number (1 to 4). Optional name of an artifact to be restored to send additional info to SonarQube (e.g. coverage reports)
  • restore-artifact-path<N> (Default to the working-directory): Path where restore-artifact-name<N> will be restored (relative to the working directory)'

Example usage

      - uses: javiertuya/sonarqube-action@main
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          sonar-token: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
          restore-artifact-name1: "test-coverage-files"