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Stainless — Upload OpenAPI specification

v0.4.0 Latest version

Stainless — Upload OpenAPI specification


Stainless — Upload OpenAPI specification

Upload your OpenAPI spec to update your Stainless SDKs (and, if configured, add example snippets to your API docs)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Stainless — Upload OpenAPI specification

uses: stainless-api/upload-openapi-spec-action@v0.4.0

Learn more about this action in stainless-api/upload-openapi-spec-action

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GitHub Action: upload your OpenAPI spec to Stainless


lint build

A GitHub action for pushing your OpenAPI spec to Stainless to trigger regeneration of your SDKs.

Note that there is currently a manual step in between this action and automatic creation of your PR's, and more manual steps before they are merged and released.

If your account is configured to do so, this action can also output a copy of your OpenAPI spec decorated with sample code snippets, so that your API reference documentation can show examples of making each request with the user's chosen SDK (e.g. show client.items.list() instead of curl

Example usage

First, obtain an API Key from your Stainless dashboard, and add it to your GitHub actions secrets as STAINLESS_API_KEY:

gh secret set STAINLESS_API_KEY

Then, add a new workflow file, or add the action to an existing workflow:

name: Upload OpenAPI spec to Stainless

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: stainless-api/upload-openapi-spec-action@main
          stainless_api_key: ${{ secrets.STAINLESS_API_KEY }}
          input_path: 'path/to/my-company-openapi.json'
          project_name: 'my-stainless-project'
          commit_message: 'feat(api): my cool feature'

You can optionally add config_path: 'path/to/my-company.stainless.yaml' to the with: block if you'd like to send us updates to your Stainless config.

You can identify your Stainless project name on the Stainless dashboard.

commit_message is an optional parameter that allows you to specify the commit message that we will use for the commits generated for your SDKs as a result of your API change (and which will subsequently appear in the Changelog). If you provide it, please use the Conventional Commits format for all of your messages. If you do not provide it, we will use a default.

Usage with ReadMe for docs with example snippets

If you use ReadMe's OpenAPI support for your API reference documentation, add the following to your Stainless config:

  code_samples: readme

Then configure your GitHub action to upload the Stainless-enhanced OpenAPI spec to ReadMe:

name: Upload OpenAPI spec to Stainless and ReadMe

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: stainless-api/upload-openapi-spec-action@main
          stainless_api_key: ${{ secrets.STAINLESS_API_KEY }}
          input_path: 'path/to/my-company-openapi.json'
          output_path: 'path/to/my-company-openapi.documented.json'
          project_name: 'my-stainless-project'
          commit_message: 'feat(api): my cool feature'
      - uses: readmeio/rdme@v8
          rdme: openapi "path/to/my-company-openapi.documented.json" --key=${{ secrets.README_TOKEN }} --id=${{ secrets.README_DEFINITION_ID }}

This assumes the following secrets have been uploaded to your Github Actions Secrets:

  • secrets.STAINLESS_API_KEY: Your Stainless API key.
  • secrets.README_TOKEN: Your API token for Only sent to ReadMe's servers.
  • secrets.README_DEFINITION_ID: According to ReadMe's documentation, this can be obtained by "clicking edit on the API definition on your project API definitions page". Only sent to ReadMe's servers.

Remember to set the redameio/rdme ref version to the latest stable available. You can check the versioning of readmeio's github action here.

Usage with Mintlify for docs with example snippets

If you use Mintlify's OpenAPI support for your API reference documentation, add the following to your Stainless config:

  code_samples: mintlify

Mintlify can generate your docs based on the OpenAPI spec in your docs repo if it is configured to do so. To integrate Stainless, you can modify the GitHub Action that uploads your OpenAPI spec to Stainless such that it then pushes the Stainless-enhanced OpenAPI spec into your docs repo:

name: Upload OpenAPI spec to Stainless and (Mintlify) docs repo

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Push spec and config to Stainless and output documented spec
        uses: stainless-api/upload-openapi-spec-action@main
          stainless_api_key: ${{ secrets.STAINLESS_API_KEY }}
          input_path: 'path/to/my-company-openapi.json'
          output_path: 'path/to/my-company-openapi.documented.json'
          project_name: 'my-stainless-project'
          commit_message: 'feat(api): my cool feature'
      - name: Push documented spec to docs repo
        uses: dmnemec/copy_file_to_another_repo_action@main
          API_TOKEN_GITHUB: ${{ secrets.API_TOKEN_GITHUB }}
          source_file: 'path/to/my-company-openapi.documented.json'
          destination_repo: '{DOCS_REPO_NAME}'
          destination_folder: 'openapi-specs' # (optional) the folder in the destination repository to place the file in, if not the root directory
          user_email: '{EMAIL}' # the email associated with the GH token
          user_name: '{USERNAME}' # the username associated with the GH token
          commit_message: 'Auto-updates from Stainless'

This assumes the following secrets have been uploaded to your Github Actions Secrets:

  • secrets.STAINLESS_API_KEY: Your Stainless API key.
  • secrets.API_TOKEN_GITHUB: A Github Personal Access Token with permissions to push to your docs repo.