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GitHub Action

Tool Versions Update Action


Tool Versions Update Action


Tool Versions Update Action

Update tools in your .tool-versions file


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Tool Versions Update Action

uses: ericcornelissen/tool-versions-update-action@v0.3.8

Learn more about this action in ericcornelissen/tool-versions-update-action

Choose a version

Tool Versions Update Action

A collection of GitHub Actions to automatically update the tools in your .tool-versions file.

The actions use asdf and various other GitHub Actions to try and update any tools defined in your project's .tool-versions and apply those updates to the project.

Early Development Notice

This project is currently in early development and so you should expect breaking changes from one version to the next. When using this action it is advised to pin to an exact version or commit SHA.

The first stable release (if reached) will be v1.0.0.


- uses: ericcornelissen/tool-versions-update-action@v0
    # The maximum number of tools to update. 0 indicates no maximum.
    # Default: 0
    max: 2

    # A comma-separated list of tools that should NOT be updated.
    # Default: ""
    not: actionlint,shfmt

    # A comma-separated list of tools that should be updated, ignoring others.
    # Default: ""
    only: shellcheck

    # A newline-separated list of "tool version" pairs that should NOT be
    # updated to.
    # Default: ""
    skip: |
      shfmt 3.6.0
      yamllint 1.31.0

Batteries Included

While the base action allows for more freedom, you can use one of this project's sub-actions to get up-and-running quickly with one-step automated tooling jobs.


The following outputs are made available:

Name Description
did-update true if at least one tool was updated, false otherwise
updated-count The number of tools that were updated

For information on how to use outputs see the GitHub Actions output docs.

Full Example

This example is for a workflow that can be triggered manually to log available updates for at most 2 tools defined in .tool-versions at the time.

name: Tooling
  workflow_dispatch: ~

permissions: read-all

    name: Update tooling
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Install asdf
        uses: asdf-vm/actions/install@v2
      # Optionally configure asdf plugins depending on your needs.
      # - name: Configure asdf plugins
      #   run: |
      #     asdf plugin add example
      - name: Update tooling
        uses: ericcornelissen/tool-versions-update-action/commit@v0
        id: tooling
          max: 2
      - name: Log tooling changes
        if: steps.tooling.outputs.did-update == 'true'
        run: git diff .tool-versions



This action requires no permissions.


This action requires network access to all endpoints your asdf plugins use.


All source code is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for the full license text. The contents of documentation is licensed under CC BY 4.0.