This is no longer supported, there are modern and better tools for the same job.
AWS API and Fabric tasks for deploying applications into EC2 instances
You need pip, build-essential and python-dev installed to run this:
sudo apt-get install python-pip build-essential python-dev
Install package:
pip install .
Create requirements.txt file in the project root. This will install the package from Github.
Create Python virtualenv for the project.
mkvirtualenv PROJECT_NAME
Install packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create acceess key:
aws iam create-access-key --user-name USERNAME > ~/.aws/PROJECT_NAME.json
Configure Velvet and import your AWS access key JSON file.
velvet-config --import-access-key ~/.aws/PROJECT_NAME.json --aws-config
Configure Velvet and import your AWS credentials.
velvet-config --import-credentials credentials.csv
Create config/velvet.yml file.
Example config/velvet.yml file for a project deployed to OpsWorks.
# deployment configuration file version (minimum supported Velvet version number) version: 0.4 # defaults for all environments defaults: # application name app_name: application # deployment package file name without extension deploy_package: application # S3 bucket for application deployment deploy_bucket: application-deploy # path to CloudFormation template files cloudformation_path: cloudformation # build directories build_root: application build_grunt: application build_exclude: - vendor - node_modules cookbooks_root: cookbooks cookbooks_package: application_cookbooks # root directory inside the application for assets assets_root: public_html/assets # use compressed assets if avaiblable when publishing to S3 # assets are compressed with Grunt in the application build process gzip_enabled: true # assets to be published to S3 assets: - css/**/*.css - fonts/**/* - js/**/* - img/**/* - video/**/* opsworks: stack: StackId layer: WebLayerId app: WebAppId # define available environments environments: dev: stacks: - # CloudFormation / OpsWorks stack name: dev-opsworks role: opsworks template: opsworks # disable automatic CloudFormation rollback on failure disable_rollback: true assets_bucket: application-assets-dev
Create cfn-pyplates templates in cloudformation directory and create mappings YAML files for each environment.
cloudformation mappings dev.yaml
Run velvet-cloudformation to generate the templates.
velvet-cloudformation dev opsworks
Fabric main file is used for environment configuration and loading actual task packages.
# (generic AWS setup) from fabric.api import env, task import velvet.config import ## # import application specific tasks ## # build tasks import build # deployment tasks import deploy # infrastructure provisioning tasks import provision ## # define environments ## @task def environment(name): # Load AWS configuration # Load environment configuration velvet.config.environment(name)
The MIT License
Note that this project is no longer maintained so please consider using other tools instead.