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Simons guide to diybookscanner [beta]

SimonAM edited this page Apr 20, 2013 · 1 revision

Guide for scanning on Ubuntu, post processing on windows, full version adobe acrobat * Sorry for the horrible formatting

  • When the scanner hardware have come toghether its time for software installation. I am using an old and slow computer for taking and saving pictures and a faster computer for post-processing.

  • If you dont have Ubuntu, make a partition in your PCs current operative system. Doesnt need to be big, just enough for Ubuntu and a couple of gb of photos, say 30gb. Each time you start your computer, you will now have the option to use either Ubuntu or windows.

  • Install Ubuntu 12.04

  • Follow these current instructions by Mark, even if you have pre-programmed firmware.

  • Then follow these instructions by Mark:

     Now you are ready for scanning!
    * Plug in the equipment and start it up
    * Go to the terminal in Ubuntu
    * type:
    * Scan. As this is your first scan, have a paper ready noting which pages that might need to be rescanned.
    * Check for doubles, images with bad focus, and missing images.
    * Re-scan what is needed.
    * If there are missing images its easiest to insert them after the renaming step further below.
     If you want to use windows to make PDFs
    * Install rename
    * Install gimp
    * Install scan tailor
    * Install acrobat reader pro. It wont work with the free version so you better find some cheap shop on the internet   :)
     Start lupas rename
    * Make a backup of the left and right folders as the renaming utility does malfunction on occation.
    * Use rename to rename left/right pages according to these functions in the program:
    * change file name: img_
    * Insert after file name: check.
    * Autonumber: start with (1 or 2 depending on left or right pages). Increments=2.
    * Dont merge the folders until after post-processing
      Use GIMP's marking function (standard keyboard shortcut is r) on six lines of text
    * You will get different readouts for the left and right side pictures.
      Open your left and right folders in seperate scan tailor windows.
    * Check DPI values, use custom DPI-values. Insert the readout from GIMP.
    * Now you are ready to post-process your images.
    * Flip your pages correctly, choose apply to all. Do not batch (the play-button)
    * Deskew automaticallt, choose apply to all. Do not batch
    * Use the whole page, choose apply to all. Do not batch
    * Select content, preferably manually, apply to all following.
    * Press play-button and keep aligning content box as the picture wanders
    * Use "apply to all the following" when correcting
    * Set marigins, i prefer small, about 2x3. Batch
    * Set output according to your prefered quality. Use your DPI-values from Gimp. Apply to all.
    * Run batch.
    Put all the images from the output directories into a single folder.
      Open acrobat pro
    * Combine into a single PDF
    * Choose single PDF instead of portfolio
    * Combine...
      When its done you should run:
    Tools/ optimize document/ OCR recognition/ clearscan.