Welcome to my Python Projects Repository! 🐍
Explore a diverse collection of Python scripts covering algorithms, data structures, and practical applications. From solving simple puzzles to tackling complex problems, there's something here for every Python enthusiast.
Feel free to browse the code, contribute, and enhance your Python skills! 🚀
Here's a quick overview of the projects available in this repository:
- alpha.py: Python script to generate a triangular pattern of characters starting from 'A'.
- crash.py: Python script to crash the system with error.
- Days_of_week.py: Python script converts a user-inputted date into the corresponding day of the week.
- dna.py: Python script animates a DNA double-helix with randomly selected nucleotide pairs.
- error.py: Python script is designed to simulate a continuous and repeating system error message.
- host.py: Python script creates a simple HTTP server that serves a basic HTML page.
- lcm_and_gcd.py: Python code calculates the GCD and LCM of numbers in a list.
- Playground.py: Various scripts for beginners, including simple statements, basic arithmetic, and conditional operations.
- Prime_number.py: Python script finds and prints all prime numbers up to a user-specified value.
- sql-create.py: script performs basic operations on a SQLite database. It allows the user to create a table, insert data into the table, and delete the table.
- tables.py: Python script prints the multiplication table for a given number up to a specified multiple.
- Template.py: Python script that display execution time of program.
- Tester.py: Python script to print a pattern in decreasing order.
- Trail.py: Python tester script to check all types of functions, datatypes, classes and more.
- waterbucket.py: Python script simulates a water bucket puzzle game where the player must measure exactly 4 liters using an 8L, 5L, and 3L bucket through filling, emptying, and pouring actions.
- welcome.py: Python script greets the user, checks their age to determine if they can vote.
- zigzag.py: Python script to generate a back-and-forth horizontal animation of asterisks.
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Looking for more Python projects and resources? Check out these awesome repositories:
- Awesome Python Projects
- Python Data Science Projects
- Python Algorithms and Data Structures
- Python Game Development
Happy coding! 🎉