Example of turning an XGBoost model (built here) using Flask, Docker and Google Cloud Run.
Build the image
docker build -t mlapp app
Run the API locally:
docker run -ip 8080:8080 mlapp
From Python:
data = {'columns': ['Energy_Star', 'Site_EUI', 'NGI', 'EI', 'Residential'],
'data': [[7744, 52.7, 45.9641802469, 10.1204555556, 1],
[9, 112.2, 25.9187489356, 29.7707095517, 1]]}
import requests
result = requests.post(url="",
result.json() # [0.0031427741050720215, 0.007205158472061157]
Build image on Google Cloud:
cd app
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/<project-id>/mlapp
Deploy to Google Cloud Run:
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/<project-id>/mlapp --platform managed