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Michael Sisk edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Get a list of comic transcript terms.

get_webcomic_transcript_terms_list( array $args = [] ) : string


array $args

Optional arguments.

  • array current
    Optional term ID of the current term or terms.
  • string format
    Optional flat list format, like before{{join}}after. Including <select> or <optgroup> elements will convert links to <option> elements. Using webcomics_optgroup as a join will replace collection links with a list of comic <option> elements wrapped in an <optgroup>. When $hierarchical is true, before and after are mapped to the $start and $end arguments.
  • string start
    Optional text to prepend to the list when $hierarchical is true.
  • string start_lvl
    Optional text to prepend to a list level when $hierarchical is true.
  • string start_el
    Optional text to prepend to list items when $hierarchical is true.
  • string end_el
    Optional text to append to list items when $hierarchical is true.
  • string end_lvl
    Optional text to append to a list level when $hierarchical is true.
  • string end
    Optional text to append to the list when $hierarchical is true.
  • string walker
    Optional custom Walker class to use instead of Mgsisk\Webcomic\Transcribe\TermLister.




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