GPL licenced Android Expense Tracking App.
My Expenses is an Android app designed to keep
track of your expenses and incomes, and to export them as QIF files into a desktop
finance tool, like Grisbi (Open Source), Gnucash (Open Source), MS Money, Quicken or Wiso Mein Geld.
Works on Android 5.0 and above.
- Up to five accounts with transfers (unlimited in Contrib version)
- Define plans (3) for future and recurrent transactions (unlimited in Contrib version)
- Group transactions per day, week, month, year and display sums per group
- Two levels of categories (import from Grisbi XML), display distribution of transactions in Contrib version
- Split transactions (Contrib version)
- Calculator
- Export to QIF and CSV (MS Excel), can be automatically shared (via email, FTP, Dropbox, ...) and done in batch in Contrib version
- Password protection, recoverable with security question in Contrib version
- Integrated Help
- Data backup and restore
- Aggregate financial situation over all accounts with same currency
- Two themes: light and dark
My Expenses relies on many Open Source libraries and has borrowed code from other Open Source projects :
- Financisto (CalculatorInput, QifParser, WhereFilter)
- iText
- MPAndroidChart
- SimpleDialogFragments
- Grisbi (category definitions)
- Android Open Source Project (SetupWizardLib, EventRecurrenceFormatter, Licencing Verification)
- MaterialSeekBarPreference
- Picasso
- Caldroid
- Android-State
- dav4android
- Apache commons (Lang, CSV and Collections)
- Guava (Int, IntMath, Files)
- CarReport (WebDAV setup)
- Acra
- Phrase
- Dagger
- Gson
- AutoValue
- AutoValue: Gson Extension
- AutoValue: Cursor Extension
- AutoValue: Parcel Extension
- OkHttp
- Timber
- logback-android
- Retrofit2
- CircleProgress
- Donut
- Copper
- andOTP (EncryptionHelper)
- Font-Awesome (Category Icons)
- TapTargetView
- PageIndicatorView
- FlexboxLayout
- Android Image Cropper
- Ktor
- FontDrawable
- Accompanist (drawablepainter, pager, flowlayout with patch from Sven Obser (
- Email Intent Builder
- HBCI4Java
- Hibiscus
- sealed-enum
and on the contribution of many users that helped make My Expenses available in 34 different languages.
Code has also been contributed by:
- khris78 (Configuring and applying custom colors to accounts)
- Ayman Abdelghany (Applying Sonar code quality checks)
- eltos (Improved Input Dialogs and Color Pickers)
- tillgraeger implemented several tickets (#640, #704, #638) in the context of his internship.
git clone --depth 1
cd MyExpenses
export ANDROID_HOME={sdk-dir}
./gradlew build
If gradlew gives you a "Failed to install the following Android SDK packages" error message, the packages can be installed manually with commands such as:
$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/bin/sdkmanager --install --sdk_root=$ANDROID_HOME "platforms;android-32"
$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/bin/sdkmanager --install --sdk_root=$ANDROID_HOME "build-tools;30.0.3"
If gradlew errors out with "Could not dispatch a message to the daemon", just re-run the command. This can happen when the system is low on memory. The same is true for the "Gradle build daemon disappeared unexpectedly" error.
My Expenses now has experimental support for inserting data from third party apps. See