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✨ oval-potato ✨

This is a Gatsby site using Forestry as a CMS. It was created with Stackbit in under a minute.

You can create a site just like this one, or explore some variations. How about a different:

🎨  Look
✏️  CMS
⚙️  Static site generator

Develop Locally

  1. Install Node.js and npm

  2. Install npm dependencies:

     npm install
  3. Start the Gatsby local development server:

     npm run develop
  4. Open http://localhost:8000/ in the browser

  5. 🎉

Editing Content

To start editing your site, you can use the Forestry interface at

Alternatively, you can use the free on-page editing experience provided by the Stackbit Studio.

Here's a few resources to get you started:

If you need a hand, make sure to check the Stackbit support page.


Generated at 2021-01-23T04:03:45.527Z by Stackbit version 0.3.43.