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Authorization, Roles and Groups

Mike Solin edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 9 revisions

MunkiReport uses Role Based authorization model, which means that users can do things based on the role they have. Any user can have only one role. At the moment there are 5 roles defined:

  • Admin
  • Manager
  • Archiver
  • User
  • Nobody

No Business Units

When Business Units are not configured, the following authorizations apply. A user that does not have an admin-role or manager-role gets the role of user.

Role View Delete Machine Archive Machine
admin All machines Yes Yes
manager All machines Yes Yes
archiver All machines No Yes
user All machines No No

Business Units

When Business Units are enabled, the roles change a little bit. A user that does not have an admin role and is not found an a business unit gets the role of nobody.

Role View Delete Machine Archive Machine Edit Business Units
admin All machines Yes Yes Yes
manager BU only BU only Yes No
archiver BU only No Yes No
user BU only No No No
nobody No machines No No No

User/manager can view only first assigned Business Unit. Currently it is not possible to view multiple BUs with one unique user/manager.

Add role to a user

By default, all users have the admin role. To override this setting, create the following in .env:


This will give 'your_username' the role of admin. You can also add groups to a role array:

ROLES_ADMIN="your_username, @admin_group"

This will give all users in the group 'admin_group' the role of admin. Groups can be local groups, LDAP groups or AD groups, make sure you prefix the groupname with @.

Local admin group

To make a local admin group, add the following to .env:

GROUPS_ADMIN_USERS=your_username, another username

To reference this group in the roles array, prefix the name with @. You can also use this group in Business Units. At the moment, it is not possible to nest groups

View session variables

If you want to see the actual authorization settings, and the reason a user got a certain role, you can view the current settings here:

Authorizations (topic for developers)

There are two authorizations enabled:

  • global - view everything
  • delete_machine - be able to delete a machine from the database

By default, users with the admin role have the 'global' and the 'delete_machine' authorization. users with the manager role only have the 'delete_machine' authorization. You can override the authorizations in .env, but don't do that unless you know what you are doing! Developers can use the $conf['authorization'] array to create new authorizations based on role.

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