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Arjen van Bochoven edited this page May 12, 2020 · 18 revisions

As of MunkiReport v4.2 there is a new way of creating listings. Instead of creating a page with html snippets, you only provide a YAML data structure and MunkiReport will build the listing view based on that structure. This is the preferred way of generating a listing as it makes these views independent of the presentation (which is extremely convenient if/when MR switches presentation framework)

Note: if you convert the listing of a module to the new format, and you create a new release for the module, make sure the release version is a full version higher (e.g. v1.4 -> v2.0).

Below you see a simplified example of a listing view:

js_link: module/disk_report/js/format_storage
not_null_column: freespace
        column: machine.computer_name
        i18n_header: listing.computername
        formatter: clientDetail
        tab_link: storage-tab
        column: reportdata.serial_number
        i18n_header: serial
        column: reportdata.long_username
        i18n_header: username
        column: diskreport.mountpoint
        i18n_header: disk_report.mountpoint
        column: diskreport.media_type
        i18n_header: disk_report.media_type
        formatter: upperCase
        column: diskreport.volumetype
        i18n_header: disk_report.volume_type
        formatter: formatVolumeType
        column: diskreport.freespace
        formatter: fileSize
        filter: freeSpaceFilter
        column: diskreport.totalsize
        i18n_header: disk_report.total_size
        formatter: fileSize
        column: diskreport.smartstatus
        i18n_header: disk_report.smartstatus
        formatter: smartStatus
        column: diskreport.encrypted
        i18n_header: disk_report.encryption_status
        formatter: encryptionStatus


This is the i18n string that should translate to the proper title for the listing.


Table is a list that contains the fields that you want in your table. Table entries contain at least column and i18n_header

        column: machine.computer_name
        i18n_header: listing.computername
        formatter: clientDetail
        tab_link: storage-tab
        column: reportdata.serial_number
        i18n_header: serial
key example Comment
column machine.computer_name database column, prefix with table name if it's ambiguous
i18n_header listing.computername i18n identifier for the column
formatter displayTypeFormat name of a js function to format the column, see Formatters
filter displayTypeFilter name of a js function to filter the column, see Filters
tab_link displays-tab which clienttab to link to when using the clientDetail formatter


Optional link to a js file that contains Formatters or Filters.

js_link: module/disk_report/js/format_storage


Optional call to an init function that is called when loading the page.

js_init: initializeManagedInstalls('$name', '$version')


Optional value that contains a column that should not be NULL in the result.

not_null_column: displays.vendor


formatter: timestampToMoment

There are a couple of built-in formatters:

formatter description
clientDetail uses the computer_name and serial_number to create a link to the client detail
timestampToMoment converts UNIX timestamp to moment
binaryYesNo converts a 1 or 0 to a localised yes or no
binaryEnabledDisabled converts a 1 or 0 to a localised Enabled or Disabled button
fileSize converts bytes to human readable file size
upperCase changes the column to uppercase
osVersion converts OS version integer (101404) to formatted version (10.14.4)

Custom formatters

Custom formatters can be supplied in a separate .js file. Here's an example:

var appNameToLink = function(colNumber, row){
    var col = $('td:eq('+colNumber+')', row),
        appName = col.text();
    col.html($('<a>').attr('href', appUrl+'/module/inventory/items/'+appName).text(appName))

As you can see, the formatter receives the column number and the row, which can be used to reference the table cell. You can then manipulate the data and overwrite the cell contents.


Filters are used to modify the request for data. Here's an example:

filter: osFilter

The filter function receives the column number and a reference to the request data object.

Built-in filters:

filter description
osFilter Converts an OS version string (10.14.4) to a db stored integer (101404)
columnNameFilter If the search term matches the column name, do a search for value > 0

Custom filters

Custom filters can be supplied in a separate .js file. Here's an example:

var displayTypeFilter = function(colNumber, d){
    // Look for 'external' keyword
        // Add column specific search
        d.columns[colNumber].search.value = '= 1';
        // Clear global search = '';

    // Look for 'internal' keyword
        // Add column specific search
        d.columns[colNumber].search.value = '= 0';
        // Clear global search = '';
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