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Jon Crain edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Munkireport is built around modules. You should consider a module as a self contained unit that is responsible for collecting data, processing data and storing data in the database. Modules have an API to retrieve the collected data to and present it.

Client side setup

By default munkireport will only install 3 basic reporting modules: munkireport, managed installs and disk_report. If you want the client to report on more items, visit:

Paste the resulting $conf['modules'] = array(...); in your config.php file. Remove items that you don't need reporting on from the array (e.g. servermetrics, certificate and service only make sense when installed on a client that runs Mac OS X server).

Then you can create a package as described here and distribute that to your clients.

Note: If you later decide to add/remove modules post client install, you will need to redistribute the resultant Munki Report package created for your clients through your preferred distribution method.

Hide unused modules

By default, all modules are presented in the User Interface. If you want to hide the modules that you don't use on your clients, you can set the preference hide_inactive_modules to true in your config.php file.

$conf['hide_inactive_modules'] = true;

Default modules

There are a couple of modules that are always used:

Module name Description
machine collects basic facts about the machine that don't change often
report data collects basic facts about the machine that do change often
tag module to add tags to a machine in the GUI
comment module to add comments to a machine in the GUI

Module descriptions

Module name Description Comment
applications Applications Module Shows information about applications on the client.
appusage AppUsage Module Requires Munki 3 or crankd to monitor application usage
ard ARD Module
bluetooth Bluetooth Module Connected Bluetooth devices and battery state
backup2go Backup2Go Module
caching Caching Module
certificate Certificate Module OS X Server specific
crashplan Crashplan Module
deploystudio DeployStudio Module
detectx DetectX Module Pulls data from DetectX results json. It does not run DetectX, admins are responsible for creating their own launch daemon that runs DetectX and provides the results data.
devtools DevTools Module Details information about the development tools on the Mac.
directory_service Directory Service Module Directory service binding type and status
disk_report Disk Report Module Connected drive type, size, and OS SMART status
displays_info Displays Information Module Connected display info
event Events Module Dashboard widget showing client messages
fan_temps FanTemps Module Fan speeds and thermal sensor temperatures
filevault_escrow FileVault 2 Escrow Module
filevault_status FileVault Status Module
findmymac Find My Mac Module
firmware_escrow FirmwareEscrow Module
fonts Fonts Module
gpu GPU Module Video card information
gsx GSX Module Requires GSX account with Apple. See "GSX lookups" section in config.php for more configuration details.
homebrew Homebrew Module
homebrew_info Homebrew Info Module
installhistory Installhistory Module Apple and 3rd party install history
inventory Inventory Module
localadmin Localadmin Module Lists local admins configured on the client
location Location Module Requires external pinpoint project
managedinstalls ManagedInstalls Module munki managed installs info
mbbr_status Malwarebytes Module Provides activation information for clients using Malwarebytes Breach Remediation's CLI tool, MBBR.
munki_facts Munki Facts Module Provides the results of munki conditions, allowing admins to easily generate their own reportable datapoints without creating custom MunkiReport modules.
munkiinfo Munkiinfo Module munki client configuration info
munkireport Munkireport Module
munkireportinfo MunkiReport Info Module
network Network Module
network_share Network Shares Module
power Power Module
printer Printer Module
profile Profile Module
sccm_status SCCM Status Module
security Security Module
servermetrics Servermetrics Module OS X Server specific
service Service Module OS X Server specific
smart_stats SMART Stats Module Requires 3rd party smartmontools
softwareupdate SoftwareUpdate Module
timemachine Timemachine Module
usage_stats Usage Stats Module Presents information about network, disk, CPU, and GPU activity. This module is only supported on 10.10 and higher.
usb USB Module
user_sessions User Sessions Module Gathers logins, logout, shut downs, and reboots on the client computer.
warranty Warranty Module
wifi Wifi Module
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