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Using MunkiReport with Jamf

Arjen van Bochoven edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

As of MunkiReport v.5, MunkiReport does not require the installation of Munki to function. The only change that needs to be done is to trigger the MunkiReport Runner on a recurring basis. For those using Jamf, a simple Jamf Policy is well suited to triggering this.

Note that for clients to check in, a MunkiReport server must be setup and the MunkiReport client package must be installed on the machines in order for the script below to function. This can be distributed via Jamf as well, but distributing a package via Jamf is out of the scope of this article.

Creating the Script in Jamf

In Jamf, navigate to Settings : Computer Management : Scripts and create a new script for MunkiReport.

Name the script and fill out any other optional fields, and select Python as the script type.

For the script contents, use the entire postflight script or use the following script, which will limit the run to every hour.

# Run the munkireport runner every hour


# Make sure the log file exists
test -e $logfile || touch $triggerfile
test -e $logfile || touch $logfile

# If the log file is older than 60 minutes, run munkireport
if test "`find $logfile -mmin +60`"; then
  touch $triggerfile

Creating the Policy in Jamf

In Jamf, navigate to Computers : Policies and create a new policy for triggering MunkiReport.

Set the policy to trigger when desired. It is recommended that this be "Recurring Check-In", but that may be dependent on the current frequency of this check in.

Add the script payload and connect to the script created for MunkiReport.

Scope the Policy to the machines that you would like to check in.

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