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Mike Solin edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 10 revisions

Azure AD - MunkiReport SAML config

(Visit https://your-munkireport-server/index.php?/auth/saml/metadata to get additional information for your config)

In Azure AD

  • Visit
  • Click “Enterprise applications”
  • Click “New Application”
  • Select “Non-gallery application”
  • Enter a Name, e.g. MunkiReport
  • Optional: Under "Properties" change the logo and select a fitting one.
  • Click “Single sign-on” and choose SAML
  • Under “Basic SAML Configuration”
    • Identifier (Entity ID):
    • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL):
    • Logout Url:
  • Under “Set up MunkiReport” you need to note the following information for your .env file in MunkiReport (see below)
    • Login URL
    • Azure AD Identifier
    • Logout URL
    • In addition, you need your certificate. Under SAML Signing Certificate, scroll down to Certificate (Base64). Click the Download button.
  • On the left, choose “Users and Groups”
    • Add users or groups who can have access. It is not necessary to control access from your env file as described here.

In your config file

In your MunkiReport config.env add

AUTH_SAML_IDP_ENTITY_ID=<Azure AD Identifier from your Azure application>
AUTH_SAML_IDP_SSO_URL=<Login URL from your Azure application>
AUTH_SAML_IDP_SLO_URL= <Logout URL from your Azure application>
AUTH_SAML_USER_ATTR= #this was necessary, it didn’t work without, no clue why.

For the certificate, you have two options: you can paste it into your .env file, or you can upload it to your server. In Azure, download the "Certificate (Base64)" in Azure AD > Enterprise Applications > (your application).

The simplest way to add the certificate is to place it in webroot/munkireport/local/certs. Rename it to idp.crt.

Otherwise, you can add it to your .env file:


Finally, visit your MunkiReport URL and it should forward you directly to Microsoft. Enter your credentials (and maybe your MFA). That's it.

Passwordless login

If you use passwordless login, you'll need to add this to your .env file:



For debugging use: AUTH_SAML_DEBUG=TRUE

Once you've configured Azure AD and your env file, be sure to click the blue 'Test' button at the bottom of the page, then click 'Sign in as current user'. If you encounter errors, try clicking in a different section within Azure AD, then clicking back on 'Single sign-on' to make sure the settings are still correct.

You can also visit https://your-munkireport-server/index.php?/auth/set_session_props/show to show your user's current SAML attributes.

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