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Releases: nerdcash/Nerdbank.Cryptocurrencies


06 Apr 17:51
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v0.3.1-beta Pre-release



  • Allow fetching balance before first sync by @AArnott in #247
  • Recognize 'change' and refactor line items by @AArnott in #251
  • Avoid exceptions when historical prices are not available by @AArnott in #256
  • Fix failures on Android emulators by @AArnott in #262
  • Fix android build tools script for Windows Powershell by @AArnott in #268
  • Fix spends to transparent addresses, add fee prediction by @AArnott in #269
  • Fix more SQL queries for updated column names by @AArnott in #272
  • Fix another bad sql statement after the merge by @AArnott in #277
  • Fix balance calculation with multiple line items by @AArnott in #279
  • Fix double line items by @AArnott in #280
  • Fix reporting of send-to-self transactions by @AArnott in #281

Other changes

Full Changelog: v0.2.68-beta...v0.3.1-beta


19 Feb 16:11
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v0.2.68-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Omit rust PDBs from snupkg by @AArnott in #48
  • Add ZIP-321 Payment Request URI creation and parsing by @AArnott in #53
  • Implement equality check on FullViewingKeyFingerprint by @AArnott in #55
  • Remove unused mnemonic rust module by @AArnott in #57
  • Introduce first lightwallet client functionality by @AArnott in #56
  • Implement ZIP-302 and add memos to downloaded transactions by @AArnott in #64
  • Add orchard spending key encoding by @AArnott in #63
  • Doc touch-ups by @AArnott in #65
  • Add Spanish translations for localizable resources by @AArnott in #66
  • Add CLI tool by @AArnott in #67
  • Add ua command that constructs and parses UAs by @AArnott in #68
  • Fix Zip-32 key derivation on testnet by @AArnott in #69
  • Improve rust build caching by @AArnott in #72
  • Add get_balance and spend methods to LightWalletClient class by @AArnott in #73
  • Fetch latest block height via gRPC directly by @AArnott in #75
  • Split out gRPC and rust lightwallet clients into two distinct classes by @AArnott in #76
  • Improve tooling by @AArnott in #83
  • Add internal address and key derivation by @AArnott in #85
  • Update zingolib to the tip of dev by @AArnott in #88
  • Add -WinArm64Only option to build_all.ps1 by @AArnott in #89
  • Add Zcash RawTransaction class by @AArnott in #90
  • Expose ZIP-321 Request Payment URI construction in CLI by @AArnott in #91
  • Add history command to CLI by @AArnott in #93
  • Report note data in downloaded transactions by @AArnott in #94
  • Add exchange rate provider, ZEC ticker symbol, and prepare for more complex transparent pool balances by @AArnott in #96
  • Add ZcashAccount.HasDiversifiableKeys property by @AArnott in #100
  • Unify roslyn analyzer versions by @AArnott in #99
  • Fix build_all.ps1 script on Windows Powershell by @AArnott in #101
  • Update zingolib to tip of dev by @AArnott in #102
  • Add ZcashAccount.TryImportAccount by @AArnott in #107
  • Split sapling diversifier from the IVK class by @AArnott in #109
  • Add HD wallet retention in ZcashAccount by @AArnott in #110
  • Refine ZcashAccount derivation properties by @AArnott in #111
  • Add requirements about seed length, and document entropy requirements by @AArnott in #112
  • Improve enforcement of 256-bit entropy for ZIP-32 by @AArnott in #113
  • Encodable transparent private keys by @AArnott in #120
  • Add Yahoo! Finance as a provider of historical prices by @AArnott in #121
  • Add ZcashAddress.IsMatch API by @AArnott in #127
  • Override GetHashCode() in Zip32HDWallet by @AArnott in #128
  • Override Equals and GetHashCode in Bip39Mnemonic by @AArnott in #133
  • Add operators to SecurityAmount and ExchangeRate types for easier transformations by @AArnott in #137
  • Add SecurityAmount.RoundedAmount property by @AArnott in #138
  • Update zingolib to latest dev by @AArnott in #139
  • Rollback zingolib to mob-prerelease-1.3.4 by @AArnott in #141
  • Target .NET 8 by @AArnott in #146
  • Utilize C# 12 inline arrays by @AArnott in #147
  • Touch-ups for wallet functionality by @AArnott in #148
  • Move control over min. req'd confirmations to the managed code by @AArnott in #149
  • Add rust calculation of meaningful user balances by @AArnott in #150
  • Fix fee calculation, and simplify 'fairy dust' to just 'dust' by @AArnott in #157
  • Promote types by @AArnott in #165
  • Remove more fairy references by @AArnott in #164
  • Add ImportAccount command to CLI by @AArnott in #166
  • TradingPair and historical data improvements by @AArnott in #167
  • Update uniffi version by @AArnott in #169
  • Check arg condition before formatting the error string by @AArnott in #170
  • Use bytes instead of sequence<u8> in UDL by @AArnott in #171
  • Dissolve the shared project by @AArnott in #172
  • Add ZcashAccount.TryGetDiversifierIndex method by @AArnott in #175
  • Add means to retrieve more birthday height values by @AArnott in #176
  • Fix NRE thrown from SecurityAmount.RoundedAmount by @AArnott in #177
  • Add TxId type and use it in Zcash transactions by @AArnott in #192
  • Fix unified spending key encoding by @AArnott in #193
  • Add additional prerequisites to by @rchriste in #195
  • Auto install uniffi-bindgen if it is not installed by @rchriste in #197
  • Add ZcashNetworkParameters class by @AArnott in #202
  • Enhance TxId with more members by @AArnott in #204
  • Add ios-arm64 target to nuget package by @AArnott in #205
  • Update zingolib to match zingo-mobile 1.3 release by @AArnott in #212
  • Rename WithoutDiversifier to WithoutDiversifierKey by @AArnott in #213
  • DefaultAddress UAs should use a consistent diversifier index by @AArnott in #214
  • Add text encoding to sapling diversifiable FVK and IVK by @AArnott in #168
  • Make uniffi bindings internal by @AArnott in #223
  • Merge main into backend_update by @AArnott in #224
  • Expose more details of rust errors in .NET by @AArnott in #226
  • Fix failing cargo test by @AArnott in #227
  • Implement sync progress callbacks by @AArnott in #228
  • Consume librustzcash crates directly (instead of zingolib) by @AArnott in #230
  • Fix all build and clippy warnings by @AArnott in #231
  • Add 3rd party notices to package by @AArnott in #232
  • Default to community-operated Zcash lightwallet servers by @AArnott in
Read more


19 Feb 14:34
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v0.1.635-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Add BIP-32 and BIP-44 support by @AArnott in #5
  • Add T-address derivation from key paths by @AArnott in #6
  • Add razor page for Bip39 and Bip32 by @AArnott in #7
  • Add native rust library by @AArnott in #33
  • Implement ZIP-32 HD wallets by @AArnott in #36
  • Add functions to test orchard/sapling receiver for ownership by an account by @AArnott in #37
  • Move NullifierDerivingKey to reflect its applicability to both orchard and sapling by @AArnott in #38
  • Enable rust cache in github workflow by @AArnott in #41
  • Add support for sapling, orchard, and unified key encodings by @AArnott in #47

Full Changelog: v0.1.542-beta...v0.1.635-beta


04 Jul 21:00
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v0.1.542-beta Pre-release

Initial release