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Package no longer supported. Use at your own risk. Use pure video.js instead.


Video.js bundle that supports HLS, VAST/VMAP/VPAID ads, 360-degree videos, and more.

Build Status bundlephobia npm npm David David

What's included

Video.js 5

Video.js plugins

HLS plugins

Other plugins

Plugins dependencies


npm install
npm start

index.html with the list of examples will be opened in your browser.


<link href="path/to/wjplayer/dist/wjplayer.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- If you need ads in your videos, include ima sdk first -->
<script src="//"></script>

<!-- HLS support using videojs-contrib-hls -->
<script src="path/to/wjplayer/dist/wjplayer.js"></script>

<!-- OR  -->

<!-- HLS support using hls.js  -->
<script src="path/to/wjplayer/dist/wjplayer-hls-js.js"></script>

To enable 360-degree video support add these includes:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/wjplayer/dist/wjplayer-360.css">
<script src="path/to/wjplayer/dist/wjplayer-360.js"></script>

Place a container in your html:

<div id="player-container"></div>

and pass its id and the list of sources to wjplayer.


Create a player instance

var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  sources: [{
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/mp4'
  }, {
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/ogg'


var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  sources: [{
    src: 'path-to-video.m3u8',
    type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
player.reloadSourceOnError(); // init `reloadSourceOnError` plugin (part of videjs-contrib-hls)

Specify resolution and label of each source

var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  defaultQuality: 'high',
  // sourcesWithRes array will be passed to videojs-resolution-switcher
  sourcesWithRes: [
    src: 'path-to-video-low-quality.m3u8',
    type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
    res: 360,
    label: 'SD'
    src: 'path-to-video-high-quality.m3u8',
    type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
    res: 720,
    label: 'HD'

Create an audio player

var audioPlayer = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  playerType: 'audio',
  sources: [{
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/mp3'

Insert ads

var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  sources: [{
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/mp4'
  ads: {
    adTagUrl: '//'

Send player events to Google Analytics

var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  sources: [{
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/mp4'
  percentsPlayedInterval: 10,
  secondsPlayedMoments: [10, 30, 60, 3 * 60, 5 * 60],
  percentsPlayedInterval: 25,
  sendGaEventDirectly: true

360° video

var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  sources: [{
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/mp4'
  panorama: {
    clickAndDrag: true,
    clickToToggle: true,
    autoMobileOrientation: true

Custom skin

var player = wjplayer({
  containerId: 'player-container',
  // Skin name.
  // In this case 'vjs-custom-skin' class will be assigned to player.
  // 'vjs-default-skin' is used by default.
  skin: 'custom',
  sources: [{
    src: '//',
    type: 'video/mp4'

CSS class 'vjs-custom-skin' will be assigned to player, so your can include your CSS file

<link href="path/to/skins/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">

and customize the player appearence using .vjs-custom-skin class.

Your can find links to some Video.js skins in video.js wiki.

API Reference


Creates a new player and places it to container with the specified id.


options: Object, Configuration options.

  • options.containerId: String, REQUIRED id of the container where player shoud be inserted (appendChild() will be used)

  • options.sources: Array, REQUIRED IF sourcesWithRes IS NOT PROVIDED Array of sources to pass to player.src()

  • options.sourcesWithRes: Array, REQUIRED IF sources IS NOT PROVIDED Array of sources to pass to player.updateSrc()

  • options.playerId: String, id to assign to the player element. Defaults to "player"

  • options.playerType: String, "video" or "audio" Defaults to "video"

  • options.defaultQuality: String | Number, "low", "high" or Number

  • options.pathToSwf: String, Path to flash player file (will be passed to videojs as videojs.options.flash.swf)

  • options.locale: String, If specified, will be set as player and ads locale. This may be any ISO 639-1 (two-letter) code.

  • options.autoplay: Boolean, Defaults to false

  • options.controls: Boolean, Defaults to true

  • options.loop: Boolean, The loop attribute causes the video to start over as soon as it ends. Defaults to false

  • options.preload: String, Defaults to "metadata"

  • options.poster: String, The width attribute sets the display width of the video (in pixels). This will take effect only if options.classes param is set (vjs-fill class, used by defaults, sets player width and height to 100%).

  • options.width: Number, The height attribute sets the display height of the video (in pixels).

  • options.height: Number, Player height

  • options.videojs: Object, Any additilnal ptions to pass to videojs.

  • options.muted: Boolean, Indicates whether the player should be muted by default. Defaults to false

  • options.playsinline: Boolean, Indicated whether the video should be allowed to play inline, and will not automatically enter fullscreen mode when playback begins. @see Defaults to false.

  • String, Skin name. Defaults to "default"

  • options.classes: Array, CSS classnames to assign to the player in addition to video-js. By default, the following classes are used: ['vjs-default-skin', 'vjs-fill', 'vjs-big-play-centered']

  • options.stretch: Boolean, Indicates whether video should stretch to fit the container. Defaults to false

  • options.playOnClick If true, click/touch event on player will start/stop the playback even if controls are disabled. Defaults to false

  • options.downloadButton: Boolean | Object, Indicates whether a download button should be shown in control bar.

  • options.downloadButton.text: String, Button title. Defaults to "Download"

  • options.volumeStyle: String, "horizontal" or "vertical". Defaults to "vertical"

  • options.panorama: Boolean | Object, Used for pamoramic (360-degree) videos. Pass true or options object for videojs-panorama plugin

  • options.crossorigin: String, Used with videojs-panorama plugin. Pass "anonymous" to avoid cross domain issue (will work on Chrome and Firefox, not Safari)

  • Object, Settings for videojs-ima plugin.

  • String, Tag url. The only requried setting here.

  • String, Replaces the "Advertisement" text in the ad label.

  • Boolean, Defaults to false

  • options.share: Object, Will be passed to videojs-share plugin.

  • options.share.socials: Array, List of social networks. See vanilla-sharing for details.

  • options.share.url: String, This is the URL that points to your custom web page which has your video and the meta tags for sharing. Defaults to the current page url.

  • options.share.embedCode: String, Iframe embed code for sharing the video. Defaults to iframe with the current page url specified as src.

  • options.share.title: String, Title to share.

  • options.share.description: String, Description to share.

  • options.share.image: String, Image to share. Defaults to options.poster.

  • options.share.fbAppId: String, Required for share to Facebook.

  • options.share.redirectUri: String, Defaults to ${url}#close_window.

  • options.enableHlsSupport: Boolean, Set to false in order to disable any workarounds etc. that are required to make HLS support a reality. (e.g. stops forcing flash on IE11 and brings back videoJsResolutionSwitcher + ads) Defaults to true

Returns: Object, the videojs player instance object.


Browser IE Edge Firefox Chrome Safari Opera iOS Safari Opera Mini Android Browser Chrome for Android Phone Chrome for Android Tablet
Live x n/a o о o o o o o о o
with ads o n/a o оo o oo r1 x oo о o
HLS master x n/a x x o x o x x o o
HLS by resolution x n/a o о o о o x oo o o
MP4 o n/a o оo o oo o x oo o o
HLS and MP4 x n/a x x o x o x oo о o
Stretch o n/a o о o o p1 x x x v1
MP3 o n/a o o o о o x oo o o
360° MP4 x n/a x o o o x x oo x o


  • о - playing with no issues.
  • oo - pereodical freezes are happening.
  • x - video is not playing.
  • r1 - postroll & midroll are not working
  • p1 - play button is only available in landscape orientation
  • v1 - video goes beyond screen border
  • n/a - test environment is not available


wjplayer is a free and open source library, and we appreciate any help you're willing to give. Check out the contributing guide.


wjplayer is licensed under the MIT License. View the license file

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