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HFs Sokol 2019 01 04

Andrew Gross edited this page Nov 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

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  • Network: Sokol
  • Date: 2019-01-04
  • Block number: 6464300


This update introduces Constantinople fork at block 6464300 in Sokol network.


  1. Update Parity node to 2.2.5-beta using the guide.
  2. Update poa-chain-spec/spec.json - add Constantinople's transitions to engine.params section.
  3. Organize the HF on block 6464300.


You should be running parity version >= 2.2.5-beta. If you're still running 2.2.1 (or older), please follow this guide first to upgrade:

To complete the hardfork you should follow this instruction that will replace spec.json on your node:

  • on STEP 2 (create group_vars/all...) use the following parameters:
MAIN_REPO_FETCH: "poanetwork"
  • on STEP 3 (create/edit hosts file...) please double-check that you're using your SOKOL node's IP address

  • on STEP 6 (connect to the node...) after you've done all the checks, also verify HF block number:

grep -n -A2 6464300 spec.json

You should see:

41:    "eip145Transition": 6464300,
42:    "eip1014Transition": 6464300,
43:    "eip1052Transition": 6464300,
44:    "eip1283Transition": 6464300
45-  },
46-  "genesis": {
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