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Open Source Contribution

Prateek Chanda edited this page May 5, 2019 · 3 revisions

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Open Source Contributions

Software + Documentation

Written in Media-Wiki


I have been working with SunPy for the past 1 year where I have contributed as a developer towards building and improving documentation alongside contributing to the development of the software.

I worked on updating the docs for SunPy which was in Sphinx and also some of the documentation for different examples written in ReStructured Text

My Contribution to Sunpy so far

Pull Requests Corresponding Issues Status
Example Proposed Merged
Bug Fix in Example , Documentation Merged
Enhancement in Example Merged
More examples in the gallery on simple map and mapcube manipulation: #2413 Merged
#1870 Update dimensions metadata when resampling a map Closed
#732 database tests depend on data/tests dir Open
#2024 Remove extract_time function Merged
#2020 reshape_image_to_4d_superpixel array seems broken Merged
database tests depend on data/tests dir #732 Open
Issue opened up in Matrix Channel Merged
Small codework alongwith documentation Open
Some documentation added Merged
database tests depend on data/tests dir #732 Closed
show_colormaps() should check how much display room is available #1781 Closed
VSOClient.query returns no result in Python 3.5 #1912 Closed
README badges broken #2053 Merged
Issue opened up in matrix channel Merged

Other contributions

SunPy software,SunPy website

Apache Open Climate WorkBench

I have been working with the Apache OCW project recently , working on both software and documentation.

Some of my open source contributions in Apache OCW

Pull Requests Status


I have been working on the SUSI project under FOSSASIA which is an open source artificial intelligence chatbot as an alternative to Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa.

Some of my contributions to FOSSASIA

Pull Requests Status

Other contributions

SUSI Server, SUSI Smart Speaker

Other Notable Open Source Work

Apart from this I have worked with Michael Vorburgher on his project opendaylight-bot. My contributions - ODL-Bot.

I have also worked with updating documentation for different open source projects like here LearnPython and CodeIIEST Algorithms

Some Documentation PRs - Create #3, Update #10.

Some of my own open source projects

You can find details about all my open source work here - prateekiiest

My Contribution Chart