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How can I set up the RAPP Platform in my PC?

Manos Tsardoulias edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 4 revisions

The setup scripts are located in the rapp-platform-scripts in the folder /setup/.

These scripts can be executed after a clean Ubuntu 14.04 installation, in order to install the appropriate packages and setup the environment.

Step 0 - Github installation

Install git in order to be able to clone the repositories:

sudo apt-get install git mercurial

WARNING: At least 10 GB's of free space are recommended.

Install RAPP Platform

It is advised to execute the script in a clean VM or clean system.


  • initial system updates
  • installs ROS Indigo
  • downloads all Github repositories needed
  • builds and install all repos (rapp_platform, knowrob, rosjava)
  • downloads builds and installs depending libraries for Sphinx4
  • installs MySQL
  • installs HOP
  • installs Caffe
  • installs the authentication system

What you must do manually

A new MySQL user was created with username = dummyUser and password = changeMe and was granted all on RappStore DB. It is highly recommended that you change the password and the username of the user. The username and password are stored in the file located at /etc/db_credentials. The file db_credentials is used by the RAPP platform services, be sure to update it with the correct username and password. It's first line is the username and it's second line the password.

Setup in an existing system

If you want to add rapp-platform to an already existent system (Ubuntu 14.04) you should choose which setup scripts you need to execute. For example if you have MySQL install you do not need to execute


  • Fetches the Ubuntu 14.04 updates and installs them
  • Installs ROS Indigo
  • Installs software from apt-get, necessary for the correct RAPP Platform deployment
  • Fetches a number of GitHub repositories and compiles rosjava. This is a dependency of Knowrob.
  • Fetches the Knowrob repository and builds it. Knowrob is the tool that deploys the RAPP ontology.
  • Fetches the rapp-platform and rapp-api repositories and builds them
  • Fetches the Sphinx4 necessary libraries, compiles them and installs them, Sphinx4 is used for ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition).
  • Installs MySQL
  • Adds the RAPP MySQL empty database in mysql
  • Creates a user to enable access the to database from the RAPP Platform code
  • Installs HOP and Bigloo, the tools providing the RAPP Platform generic services.
  • Installs Caffe along with the bvlc reference models.
  • Installs the authentication management system.
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