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How do I launch the RAPP Platform?

Manos Tsardoulias edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 5 revisions

This is quite easy! Just follow the instructions below which describe how to launch the deploy scripts. These scripts are located in the rapp-platform-scripts repository in the folder /deploy/.

There are two files aimed for deployment:

  • Deploys the RAPP Platform back-end, i.e. all the ROS nodes
  • Deploys the corresponding HOP services

If you want to deploy the RAPP Platform in the background you can use screen. Just follow the next steps:

  • screen
  • ./
  • Press Ctrl + a + d to detach
  • screen
  • ./deploy_web_services
  • Press Ctrl + a + d to detach
  • screen -ls to check that 2 screen sessions exist

To reattach to screen session:

screen -r [pid.]

The screen step is for running rapp_ros and web_services on detached terminals which is useful, for example in the case where you want to connect via ssh to a remote computer, launch the processes and keep them running even after closing the connection. Alternatively, you can open two terminals and run one script on each, without including the screen commands. It is imperative for the terminals to remain open for the processes to remain active.

Screen how-to:

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