This client library provides a convenient way to interact with a Mailu API instance. It encapsulates the necessary details for authentication and interaction with various Mailu services.
Reference: Mailu's official RestAPI documentation.:
You can install node-mailu via npm:
npm install node-mailu
const axios = require('axios');
const MailuClient = require('node-mailu');
// Replace with your Mailu instance's endpoint and API key
const endpoint = '';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const mailuClient = new MailuClient(endpoint, apiKey);
// Example: Creating a new user
(async () => {
const user = await mailuClient.userService.createUser({
email: '',
raw_password: 'yourpassword',
comment: 'New user account'
console.log('User created:',;
console.error('Error creating user:', error);
Your API key is stored within the mailu
directory on your system, contained within the .env
environment file. Reference the Mailu documentation for specifics.
- MailuClient
- Constructor
- useAxios
- Services
- AliasService
- AlternativeService
- DomainService
- RelayService
- UserService
The core client for interacting with the Mailu API.
constructor(endpoint, apiKey)
- endpoint (string): The base URL of your Mailu API instance.
- apiKey (string): An authorization key to access the Mailu API.
A utility method to handle API requests using Axios.
useAxios(method, path, data)
- method (string): The HTTP method to use ('get', 'post', etc.).
- path (string): The endpoint path relative to the base URL.
- data (object, optional): Data to send in the request body.
Returns: A Promise resolving with the API response data, or rejecting with an error.
Each service represents a domain of functionality within the Mailu API.
Methods for managing email aliases in Mailu.
- getAliases() - Retrieves all aliases.
- createAlias(body) - Creates a new alias.
- getAliasesFromDomain(domain) - Retrieves aliases for a specific domain.
- updateAlias(alias, body) - Updates an existing alias.
- getAlias(alias) - Retrieves a single alias.
- deleteAlias(alias) - Deletes an alias.
Methods for managing alternative addresses (additional emails for receiving to a user's inbox).
- getAlternatives() - Retrieves all alternative addresses.
- createAlternative(body) - Creates a new alternative address.
- getAlternative(alt) - Retrieves details of an alternative address.
- deleteAlternative(alt) - Deletes an alternative address.
Methods for managing domains in Mailu.
- getDomains() - Lists all domains.
- createDomain(body) - Creates a new domain.
- updateDomain(domain, body) - Updates a domain.
- getDomain(domain) - Retrieves details of a domain.
- deleteDomain(domain) - Deletes a domain.
- generateDomainKeys(domain) - Generates DKIM keys for a domain.
- getDomainManagers(domain) - Lists managers for a domain.
- createDomainManager(domain, body) - Adds a new domain manager.
- deleteDomainManager(domain, email) - Removes a domain manager.
- getDomainManager(domain, email) - Retrieves details of a domain manager.
- getUsersFromDomain(domain) - Lists users of a domain.
Methods for managing email relays.
- getRelays() - Lists all relays.
- createRelay(body) - Creates a new relay.
- updateRelay(name, body) - Updates a relay.
- getRelay(name) - Gets details of a relay.
- deleteRelay(name) - Deletes a relay.
Methods for managing Mailu users.
- getUsers() - Lists all users.
- createUser(body) - Creates a new user.
- updateUser(email, body) - Updates a user.
- getUser(email) - Retrieves details of a user.
- deleteUser(email) - Deletes a user.