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MapEx and other plugins

Ramil Valitov edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 1 revision

The MapEx widget is based on Google Maps API. All widgets (e.g. the original Map widget) and other plugins that use Google Maps API have to include (connect to) this API. However, Google Maps API allows its code to be included only once on a web page. This is a common reason why conflicts between different widgets or plugins appear: each of them tries to include the Google Maps API individually, as a result causing multiple inclusions and therefore the related conflict/error.

You should follow the rule to avoid conflicts: use only one type of Google Map based widgets/plugins on a web page. For example, you can use one or several MapEx widgets together on a page, but you can't mix it with other widgets, e.g. you can't use Map and MapEx widgets on the same page. However, you can spread these widgets so, that one page will contain only Map widgets and another page - only MapEx widgets.

If you suspect that there are conflicts on your web page, then you can check and investigate it using the Debug mode of the MapEx widget. In this mode the widget performs some additional checks including Google Maps API conflicts. More information about activating this mode and reading debug messages is here.