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Kai Ejler Rasmussen edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 8 revisions


The Interception provider enables keyboard and mouse input and output using the Interception driver by Francisco Lopez.
It supports multiple keyboards and mice, and is very "low level", so will fool more things into thinking faked input really is coming from one of your devices.

Installation Requirements

Admin rights
Command-line usage
Reboot required

Installation Procedure

  1. Download the latest from the Interception Releases Page
  2. Unzip this to a folder of your choice
  3. Open a command prompt as administrator
  4. In the command prompt, navigate to the folder you created in step 2, then to the command line installer folder
  5. Type install-interception.exe /install and hit ENTER.
  6. You should see Interception successfully installed. You must reboot for it to take effect.
  7. Reboot

What is Supported

  • Read input from any connected keyboard / mouse
  • Send input as if it came from any connected keyboard / mouse
  • Keyboard keys, mouse buttons, mouse delta movement, mouse wheel.
  • Per-Device Bindings
    eg You can have the same binding (eg F1 key) on multiple keyboards and they will be independent
  • "Blocking" of input
    ie stopping a game from seeing the keyboard or mouse.
    WARNING: Please read the section below on blocking, this feature is RISKY

Blocking with Interception

Interception is able to stop windows from seeing mouse or keyboard input.
It is very "Low Level", meaning it can intercept even CTRL-ALT-DEL, and it will still be in operation when, for example, the task manager is open - Meaning that if things go wrong, a device (keyboard or mouse) that is being handled by Interception may completely "lock up" (ie become non-operational).
In the worst case scenario, you will need to use the power button on your PC to reset it.
Even if nothing goes wrong, there is nothing stopping you from declaring bindings which stop you from being able to operate your PC easily (eg you remap and block Left Mouse).
For the above reasons, blocking with the Interception Provider is disabled by default.
You can enable blocking by changing a configuration file, but before you rush off and do it, please take heed of these warnings.

  • When you enable blocking, any input you bind via Interception in UCR will be blocked for that device.
  • You are advised to have at least one spare keyboard and/or mouse lying around in case you lock yourself out.
  • If blocking only one of keyboard or mouse, you are advised to know ways of accessing the task manager and killing UCR with only mouse (Right click clock -> Task Manager) or keyboard (Ctrl-Shift-Esc and use Delete to kill process).

To enable blocking in the Interception Provider, make sure there is a file Settings.xml in the UCR\Providers\Core_Interception folder with the following setting:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>