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Status CLI

Additional tools for DApps developers. These tools allows to speed up the process of developing DApps for Status.


  1. Node.js;
  2. NPM;
  3. Watchman (


Caution Depending on your OS mdns (one of status-dev-cli dependencies) might have some prerequisites. Make sure you follow advices from mdns installation procedure.

npm i -g status-dev-cli

Command Line

Common parameters:

  • --ip <device-ip> to specify your device's IP address. If you don't know your device's IP address, just run status-dev-cli scan. The IP should be provided for every command you try to execute (except scan, of course)

Device IP can also be provided using the STATUS_DEVICE_IP environment variable (e.g. STATUS_DEVICE_IP= status-dev-cli list)

1. Scanning the network

status-dev-cli 3.2.0+, Status 0.9.8+

Scans for available Status debug servers and returns IP addresses of them.

status-dev-cli scan

2. Adding a contact (DApp or bot)

status-dev-cli add [contact] --ip [device ip]

  • contact — JSON containing contact information. It is not required if you develop a DApp and this DApp contains package.json file. Otherwise, this map should contain whisper-identity, name and dapp-url or bot-url fields (see the example in Scenario section)

3. Removing a contact (DApp or bot)

status-dev-cli remove [whisper-identity] --ip [device ip]

  • whisper-identity — the identity of your DApp/bot. It is not required if you develop a DApp and this DApp contains package.json file.

4. Refreshing a DApp automatically

status-dev-cli watch [dir] [whisper-identity] --ip [device ip]

  • dir — dir that should be observed. Not required;
  • whisper-identity — the identity of your DApp/bot. It is not required if you develop a DApp and this DApp contains package.json file.

5. Refreshing a DApp manually

status-dev-cli 2.2.1+

This command simply reloads the DApp

status-dev-cli refresh [whisper-identity] --ip [device ip]

  • whisper-identity — the identity of your DApp/bot. It is not required if your DApp contains package.json file.

6. Switching network

status-dev-cli 2.2.0+, Status 0.9.4+

Typically when developing DApps, a developer uses his own private chain or a simulator. Status inserts its own web3 object into the DApp, however, this web3 object is connected to a different network than the development one. This command allows to switch a network. Next time you login the network will be switched back.

status-dev-cli switch-node <url> --ip [device ip]

  • url (required) — the network that will be used instead of http://localhost:8545

7. Listing all debuggable DApps and bots

status-dev-cli 3.2.0+, Status 0.9.8+

Displays all debuggable DApps and bots. Can be useful if you don't remember identities of your applications.

status-dev-cli list --ip [device ip]

8. Extracting logs

status-dev-cli 3.2.0+, Status 0.9.8+

Displays the last 100 log messages for the specified bot or DApp.

status-dev-cli log <whisper-identity> --ip [device ip]

  • whisper-identity — identity of your DApp or bot.

Using status-dev-cli as a library

  var StatusDev = require('status-dev-cli');
  var statusDev = new StatusDev({ip: 'you-device-ip'});

  dataData = {
    "whisper-identity": "dapp-MyAppName",
    "dapp-url": "http://your-server-ip:port",
    "name": "My App Name"

  statusDev.addContact(dappData, function(error, result) {});

  statusDev.refreshContact(dappData, function(error, result) {});

  statusDev.removeContact(dappData, function(error, result) {});

  statusDev.switchNode(rpcUrl, function(error, result) {});
  statusDev.listDApps(function(error, result) {});
  statusDev.getLog(identity, function(error, result) {});

DApp development

To make debugging work we run a web server on your device. It runs on port 5561 on both iOS and Android, but only if you need it.

To start a server you need to:

  1. Connect your device to computer;
  2. Open Status application and log in;
  3. Open Console chat and execute /debug command providing "On" as the argument.

You can also easily turn the server off from here.

Note: if you turn the server on, it will start automatically the next time you log in.


Imagine you are developing a DApp on your computer. You have a directory where all DApp files are placed, and there is a server running on your computer. Let's say it is running on port 8080, so you can access your DApp by typing http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

  1. Find the IP address of your device by running status-dev-cli scan;
  2. Add a DApp to Status by executing status-dev-cli add '{"whisper-identity": "dapp-test", "dapp-url": "http://localhost:8080/", "name": "My Dapp"}' --ip <DEVICE IP>;
  3. Open the "My Dapp" on your device;
  4. Optional: Execute status-dev-cli watch-dapp . '{"whisper-identity": "dapp-test"}' --ip <DEVICE IP> to start automatically refreshing your DApp in Status browser when you change the DApp's code.