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Creating a proposal for GSoC 2016

Ancsur edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 1 revision

Creating a proposal for GSoC 2016

  1. Write a brief description about the project. A few sentences will be enough.

  2. Describe why the project will be useful for syslog-ng and/or the community. Also, describe why the project is interesting for you (because we are also interested in your motivation). If you can, provide us with some use cases in addition.

  3. Define the goal of the project. Also, write a Definition of Done: when you consider the project ready and successful. If you have stretch goals (even if they probably will not get done, but can be a part of a further development), describe them too.

  4. What knowledge areas are required for the success of the project? Which areas are you familiar with and which areas you have to improve?

  5. Define a time schedule. Define milestones with dates (for example in weekly resolution) - with that you can easily split your project into smaller tasks, and it also facilitates following the progress and whether you are on track or not.

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