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GSoC2016 Student Guideline

juhaszviktor edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 2 revisions

If you want to participate in syslog-ng GSoC occasion you should do the followings

  1. We have a gitbook, about how to work with syslog-ng, please read it. If you find some issues in it, please let us know about these.

  2. Please checkout the syslog-ng from the github, and build it. If something isn't clean, or you faced with a problem, ask on the syslog-ng mail lists

  3. (optional, who does this, will have advantage in selection) Pick an easy bug in syslog-ng, and try to solve it, or contribute something worth (e.g.: indentation correction is not what we need ;) ).

  4. Look at our idea page. Select a project for which you want to work. It is recommended to choose from, which you have some knowledge, because if you have no knowledge about syslog-ng, and no knowledge about the subject of the project, we don't recommend to choose this one, because our projects are not easy. So choose a close-fitting project. If you have an idea, but it isn't not contained by our idea page please let us know about it.

  5. After you choosed a project you can fill our Student Application Form. We can accept only students who filled the Application Form

  6. Before you submit a proposal, please read our descriptions about what we expect in a proposal

  7. To submit a proposal, please create a new Wiki page for it, as described here, and don't forget to record it on summerofcode with google page, with a link back to the created wiki page.

  8. When we processed the filled application forms, the candidates will get a surveying task related to the choosen project. This task have to be done with high quality at a given deadline.

  9. After the evaulation of the tasks and we get slots from the google, we will announce which projects will be started with which student.

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