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GSoC 2018 Proposal: Administration Operations Improvements (shadowbat)

Justin Nitz edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Project: Administration/Operations Improvements

Description of the Project

While there are many features one could implement for syslog-ng, there is one area which could use some love, and a pair of caring hands: administration and operations. This project will make syslog-ng more user friendly.

Benefit of the Project

This will allow allow syslog-ng to become friendlier towards the people who run it.

Goal of the Project

The goal of this project is to make it easier to administer and operate syslog-ng, by implementing features, or tools to help with this.


I have used syslog-ng for quite some time in my work as an admin and as an developer. I want to help syslog-ng become more friendly by providing more administrator features.

Knowledge Area

  • I have experience using syslog-ng
  • I have a basic understanding of system administration and maintenance.
  • I am familiar with the C language. I have created many exploits in c while exploiting Linux systems.


April 23, 2018 - May 14, 2018 (Community Bonding Period)

  • Studying on syslog-ng
  • Install syslog-ng in Developer machine
  • Making development environment ready
  • Go through existing syslog-ng modules
  • Understand which administration functions are needed the most

May 14, 2018 - June 15, 2018 (First Term)

  • Discussing with mentor about administration/operation tasks that will be prioritized
  • Create OpenBSD sendsyslog() support

June 11 - 15, 2018 (First Evaluations)

June 15, 2018 - July 9, 2018 (Second Term)

  • Implement support for additional OpenBSD features
  • Optional configuration auto-reloading.

July 9 - 13, 2018 (Second Evaluations)

July 13, 2018 - August 6, 2018 (Final Term)

  • Implement storing the configuration in memory, with a way to dump it via syslog-ng-ctl or some other method.
  • Create tools to compare the running configuration, and the one on disk.

August 6 - 14, 2018 (Students Submit Code and Evaluations)

  • Run through administration tasks to see the difference in usability.
  • Stress tests
  • Bug fixes
  • Making the code production ready
  • Finalize documentation


*Support for OpenBSD's sendsyslog() in the system() source.

  • Optional configuration auto-reloading.
  • Storing the configuration in memory, with a way to dump it (via syslog-ng-ctl, for example).
  • Tools to compare the running configuration, and the one on disk.

Other Commitments

I might be taking Summer courses

About Me

I’m Justin Nitz. I’m a junior at the University of Central Missouri studying computer science and french horn performance. This is my first time participating in Google's Summer of Code. I'm new to working with open-source development teams but I'm extremely interested in getting my hands dirty. When I'm not coding, I can be found playing the French Horn or running.

Contact Info

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