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Attila Szakacs edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 1 revision

Central point for information about the Google Summer of Code 2020 for the syslog-ng project can be found on this page. The Google Summer of Code is a program where Google pays students stipends to work over the summer on free software projects such as syslog-ng, with the help of one or more mentors from the mentoring organisation.

We participated in the Summer of Code programme in 2012 with one project, in 2013 too with two successful projects, thanks to the openSUSE project who took us under their umbrella. In 2014 4 projects, in 2015 4 projects, in 2016 4 projects, in 2018 2 projects, in 2019 3 projects. In 2020 we plan to participate in GSoC again.

Students Guideline

If you want to participate in the GSoC at side of the syslog-ng project, please read the Student Guideline, before you do anything else.

Idea & Project list

The Idea & Project list is available on the respective wiki page, while proposals have their separate page.


You can reach us either on Gitter or you can mail the project mailing lists: the syslog-ng OSE mailing list.

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