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GSoC2015 Proposal: syslog ng in Java

vj17 edited this page Mar 17, 2015 · 1 revision

I have written a research paper on "Implementation of an Elegant Auditing Approach for the Non Super users in Linux" for the IACC 2015 Conference ( IEEE Conference ). Auditing entirely caught my attention and I would love to work on the syslog-ng project in Java. In my paper, I have created a daemon process that reads from the audit.log file and writes to user log files, filtering the events, based upon the AUID of every user. This extends the rights of the normal users to read a part of the audit.log file belonging to their user space, without compromising on the security of the same. I have immense interest in taking this down further.

I have a very sound knowledge of Java too and I want to take this project to the next level. I've also been chosen as the Google Student Ambassador for this year. I have developed a web application for women as a Women's Day Health initiative. I'm a smart worker, quick learner and I believe in doing what I love. And this project is something that I already have interest in.

I'm an aspiring girl hoping to enhance my knowledge about open source and contribute for the same. Kindly, give me a chance to work on your project.

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