to see the latest development:
Quenedi (quetzal-network-editor) is a graphical user interface to edit public transport and road network. It is designed to work with the Quetzal transport planning and forcasting library.
It is a free open-source web application hosted on github-page (
To edit existing network, Quenedi takes two input files: links and nodes.
GeoJSON table describing network links (EPSG: 4326). Exemple
Properties from link table are either required or optional. trip_id is non editable on individual links. Properties are typed. you should not use string in a Number properties (ex: direction_id = 'est' will result in a NaN).
non editable are:
- index (String): unique identifier.
- a (String): Id of the first node.
- b (String): Id of the last node.
- link_sequence (Number): Order of link for a particular trip_id.
editable are:
- trip_id (String): Line (or trip) identifier (i.e. 100 Est).
- time (Number): Travel time along the link in seconds. set as Lenght/20kmh when a link is created or edited.
- pickup_type (Number): pickup method at node a. As per gtfs reference (by default 0).
- drop_off_type (Number): drop off method at node b. As per gtfs reference (by default 0).
- headway (Number): Line headway in seconds.
computed are
- length (Number): links geometry linestring length (meters)
- speed (Number): speed on link length/time (km/h)
- time (Number): time on link length/speed (secs)
optional are:
- route_id (String): Route identifier (i.e. 100).
- agency_id (String): Agency identifier.
- direction_id (String): Line direction (0: outbound travel, 1: inbound travel).
- route_short_name (String): Short name for the route.
- route_long_name (String): Long name for the route.
- route_type (String): Transportation mode for the line (e.g. bus, subway, tramway, etc.).
- route_color (String): Hex route color without '#' (i.e. 4287f5). Will be used for displaying lines.
- route_width (Number): Line stroke width. Will be used for displaying lines. (by default 3)
Any other properties in the table will be editable but not typed.
GeoJSON table describing network nodes (EPSG: 4326). Exemple
nodes properties (except index) are not typed.
nodes properties are:
- index (String) (non editable): Unique identifier.
- stop_name (optional): Name for the stop (by default null).
- stop_code (optional): Code for the stop (by default null).
Any other properties in the table will be editable
Get the SALT and PASSWORD from your team members
- provide the shared salt
- provide the shared password
- answer y to the unlock question
or provide everything manually:
# define MAPBOX_TOKEN and everything for the Cognito identity pool and identity provider
yarn run setup
# install dependencies
yarn install
# compile i18n languages
yarn run i18n-compile
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn run start
# build for for dev deployment (
yarn run build-staging
# build for production with minification
yarn run build
to upgrade librairies
yarn upgrade-interactive
You can also use npm
instead of yarn
Then go to [http://localhost:8081/].
sudo apt-get install gettext
Use $gettext
in template or script sections of your vue files.
For more information:
To update the pot
file and any po
language file, use:
yarn run i18n-extract
Then translate any missing strings in your po
file, using for instance poedit.
Then compile the po
files to a single json
file using:
yarn run i18n-compile
- change version number in package.json (ex: 6.1.b).
- add info to the
- run this script to deploy on
yarn run deploy-staging
After merging developements on master create a tag matching the value in package.json.
Dont forget to add your changes on the CHANGELOG.
git tag -a v5.1.1 -m 'tag message'
git push origin v5.1.1
github actions will:
- Create a realease with your tag (must start with v).
- Build translate and deploy.