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Assignment Rules

Andrea edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 3 revisions

E-Communication before assignment deadlines

All assignments are due on Sunday at 11:59pm. No reply to emails or forum posts regarding the assignment will be performed after 5pm of the Friday proceeding the submission deadline (aka: start and ask questions early!!). However, before each deadline extra office hours will be announced (typically just after class on Friday).


At the marking demo session please bring with you a printout with an explicit list of features that you think you have completed and handle it to the TA. The grade is saturated at 100%, but you can carry over 10% to any future assignments (not the final).

Marking rules

The marking of assignments in CSC305 will be presentation based. The documentation and coding style will contribute 20 percent to the total points of each assignment; and the rest 80 percent will be graded when student gives a short demo of the assignment to the TA. During the demo, the TA will ask a few questions to check the student's understanding of the assignment materials. The presentation should be around 3 minutes and in a face-to-face manner (e.g. talking in front of your screen to the TA, not in front of the whole class). The presentation will take place in the teaching lab (ECS354), but the student is free to use his/her own laptop to demonstrate the assignment.

The TA will read the student's submission on Connex, looking at the coding style and comments, code correctness in parts that contains the key math, and documentation files. The TA will not attempt to compile or run the student's code: the major portion of the grade is marked at the time of face-to-face presentation.