This repository is totally for my practice. It doesn't help anything for most people. But if you try to build your editor by yourself in Rust, it could help a bit.
Just execute as same as Rust project. After cloning this repository, type the command below.
cargo run
The tui has emasc-like key binds, but not compatible. Here is the list.
- Ctrl-b move left
- Ctrl-f move right
- Ctrl-p move up
- Ctrl-n move down
- Ctrl-a move front
- Ctrl-e move end
- Ctrl-j new line (enter)
- Ctrl-h backspace
- Ctrl-d delete
- Ctrl-k kill
- Ctrl-y paste
- Ctrl-x toggle "x mode" on
In "x mode", you can
- [ move top
- ] move bottom
- 2 split frame horizontally
- 3 split frame vertically
- o move cursor to the next frame
- b create new buffer
- 0 remove frame
- Ctrl-c close app
There is no function that save the text into files now.
An interesting part of this project is that this repository doesn't contains any unit tests at all for now. Instead, it has a monkey test that executes every commands randomly. You can try it by the command below.
cargo test monkey_test::run