This repo contains the project files for the Arduino-based SDI signal generator described in this blog post.
The final product looks like this:
This repo contains everything you need to build, alter, and run this hardware yourself using 100% free tools. If you choose to build the hardware, it'll cost about $87 for the Arduino, and at JLCPCB, assembly costs about $92 per board, including the cost of parts.
Steps from start to finish are as follows:
- In the hardware directory, there is a project file for EasyEDA Pro. From that project, you can export the files you need to get the parts and have them assembled.
- In the hardware directory, there is also a model for a clip which can be 3D printed to hold the Arduino in place once inserted into the MiniPCIe slot.
- In the firmware/projects directory, there is an Intel Quartus project file, which can be used to compile the FPGA bitstream. This can be done with Intel Quartus Prime Lite.
- Once the FPGA bitstream is created, you'll need to convert it to a format that the Arduino can load. For this, make sure Go and Make are installed, then run
make software/Sketch/app.h
from the root of this repo. - To run the code on the Arduino, use the sketch in the software directory with the Arduino IDE.