support for django.
Slugs are URL's, typically generated from post titles, that you want to be both human readable and a valid URL. They are SEO friendly.
Django provides a slugify()
function which is also made available as a default filter.
Django slugs can be automatically generated in django models via packages such as:
This project is based on an article from covering django's import strings.
Corner cases exist with slugification. For instance:
Term | django.utils.text.slugify |
What you want |
C | c (correct) | n/a |
C++ | c | cpp |
C# | c | c-sharp |
To make matters worse, if using a specialized model field like AutoSlugField
from django-autoslug
or django-extensions, the default behavior may be to name the slugs for C++ and C# to "c-1", "c-2"
after "c" is taken.
Here's another case, acronyms / shorthands:
Term | django.utils.text.slugify |
What you (may) want |
New York City | new-york-city | nyc |
Y Combinator | y-combinator | yc |
Portland | portland | pdx |
Texas | texas | tx |
$ | '' (empty) | usd, aud, etc? |
US$ | us | usd |
A$ | a | aud |
bitcoin | bitcoin | btc |
United States | united-states | usa |
League of Legends | league-of-legends | league |
Apple® iPod Touch | apple-ipod-touch | ipod-touch |
Each website and niche has its own edge cases for slugs. So we need a solution that can scale, where you can craft your own functions.
This builds on top of django.utils.text.slugify
to handle your django project's edgecases. By
default, django-slugify-processor will be a pass through to django's default behavior. Adding
slugification functions via your Django project's settings file allows you to adjust.
$ pip install django-slugify-processor
To create a processor, create a function that accepts a string, and returns a string. Assume this is project/app/
def my_processor(value):
value = value.replace('++', 'pp')
return value
Inside of your settings, add a SLUGIFY_PROCESSORS
list of strings that points to the function.
Anything that's compatible with
in your settings file:
Import slugify
from django_slugify_processor.text
from django_slugify_processor.text import slugify
> 'cpp'
django-slugify-processor is designed to override the built-inslugify
You can load by default via {% load django_slugify_processor %}
in your template.
In your settings INSTALLED_APPS
In your template:
{% load slugify_processor %}
To make this available in all templates, in the OPTIONS
of your template engine, add
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'builtins': [
From within the template file:
Output should be: cpp
For the most up to date documentation, view the documentation for the plugin you're using (e.g. django-autoslug or django-extensions).
To use django-slugify-processor's slugify
instead of django's default, there will be a field
option to use the function.
Tested with 1.9.7 (2017-11-26):
from django.db import models
from django_extensions.db.fields import AutoSlugField
from django_slugify_processors.text import slugify
class MyModel(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
slug = AutoSlugField(
Tested with 1.9.3 (2017-11-26):
from django.db import models
from autoslug import AutoSlugField
from django_slugify_processors.text import slugify
class MyModel(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
slug = AutoSlugField(
- tox.ini based off DRF's (BSD 2-clause licensed)
- yapf configuration based off RTD /'s (MIT-licensed)
python support >= 3.9, pypy3
django support > 4.2,
Test Coverage
License MIT
git repo
$ git clone
Install stable:
$ pip install django-slugify-processor
Local installation:
$ git clone
$ cd ./django-slugify-processor
$ make test